well...its been awhile...now what?

Well, if there one good thing about being broke, its the fact that you don't have any money to rush things on a tank. I've had my tank up and running for about 5 months now with live rock and all. Everything seems to be going good. Im about to get some crabs, snails etc. after that I was going to try and add a fish or so. I was just looking for some opinions on a good first fish. I really don't want damsels. And Im not really looking into putting anything major in there until I get my new lights (metal halide/pc combo pendant)just something nifty. Any ideas?


sounds like your planning on going reef with the lighting if so percula clowns are a great first fish and one of the easiest to care for. and are compatable with quite a few other fish
Thanks for the replies. I may go with a couple of clowns. BTW, my tank is a 50 gal. Not really anything I could keep cool tangs in, but I figure it'll look pretty good after it setup.


I second the clowns. Just don't get tomatos. I had two and they were more territorial than my damsels. They also get pretty big. I would go with true perculas. They are very personable almost never hide, and are very easy to keep. Good luck!


Active Member
chromis or clowns are great first fish, yes, andi agree most tomatoes are slightly aggressive, so if you want to keep gobies and such, go for false perculas
btw, your 50 gallon is not really anything you could keep cool tangs in, for sure, but there are many other cool fish you can keep, so YES it will be real cool after all is set up
Originally posted by jakob4001:
<strong>LOL...um clowns are damsels</strong><hr></blockquote>
yes..I know....but I was refering to the "generic" damsel. :D


clowns are part of the damsel family actually cousins to the damsels. chromises are cousins to the damsels also. fall under the same family but totally different species