well just got the mri results today


Active Member
april ill be a year, my horse fell on me and for 2 or three months i layed on a couch all day and didnt move, i went to the dr. once and he said that my muscles were just tensced and that was what caused the pain,
my mother decides to take me to get an x ray and an mri
well it sure wasnt the muscles that were tensced
1)i have three rubtured disks
2) i have two bulging disks
3) the main nerve that leads to my legs is totally pinched off (my legs go compleatly numb all the time)
4)my spine curves the opisite way at the bottom
5) my sacrum ( little triangle piece between the hip bones) is sideways
6)my disks are like this _
. _
. _
. _
7) here really soon im going to have to have surjury
yes im ************but im realy excited that im getting it taken care of
but it saddens me that it took a year
when i get into a car i want to cry it hurts so bad
but i ask for all your prays


Active Member
ohhh my... i am sorry to hear about this!!!
will say a little something for you!!! and hope for a rapid recovery!!!


Active Member
thank you,there prolly going to do surgery in april, which happens to be my 18 birthday


If I prayed, I would. Your definately in my thoughts if thats any consolation. Tragic things happen as I have come to realize, just two weeks ago a friend of mine (not to mention someone who works next door to me) was robbed and murdered at her store. She was a pretty little girl (I say little, she was 25) who was suffocated for some Ps3's. Im not trying to make this some sob story about my experiences, just trying to let you know that theres worse that could happen. besides your living some peoples dream, mine included: sitting in bed all day and doing nothing. Thats awesome! I realize its a bit different if you have to but I strive for that everyday as I dream about my retirement. But for now, after seeing all the kind things people did for my friend and how happy that made me, my thoughts is where you shall reside. :joy:


I hear you, I am going through the same thing except I have one crushed disk. It hurts pretty bad and I know you are in pain. My prayers are with you and good luck. Just think, once it's all over, you will be just like new again.

30-xtra high

Active Member
i was in a car accident and have 1 rubtured disk, and 2 buldging disks. it completely sucks, i feel your pain. my doc. has me on "Nurotin", and it works like a charm, you will be in prayers, i hope you feel better soon, and my mom had surgery due to buldging and rubtured disks in her neck, and now she constantly gets migrains... just warnin ya aheada time.


Active Member
Wow ! You got my prayers for your speedy recovery. One question though that's bothering me ... You say this happened a year ago and was wondering : When the accident first happened, did your doctor order x-rays or an MRI then ? if not and it's now you've found out what the extent of your injuries from the horse feel on you.; you have a strong case for a malpractice suit against your doctor for mis-diagnosis.
I wish the best of luck and a speedy recovery. Keep us posted.


Active Member
well my dr is a retard and said when it happend that my muscles were just tight and would calm down after a little and they never did, he never called for xr or mri and i have been to him several times he gave me moltrin which ate my stumach up with ulsers


Active Member
A lawsuit is something to think about. After all, since you have seen him several times and he never ordered an x-ray or MRI ... At least owe it for yourself & your family for all the pain and suffering you've been through.


WOW that story is like what happened to me last year, cept i wasnt on a horse i was driving a forklift! 2 herniated disc, 2 bulging disc, stenosis, and like 2 disc leaking fluids allready, degenerative disc disease and the inside of my spinal column is smaller than normal which = more pain for anything! And my doc will NOT do surgery!!!!! He says im to young and im 26 next month!!! I know your pain and im soooo sry this has happend to ya. I do hope and pray your surgery goes all well!


Active Member
BabyB, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Trust in God and you will be fine. That will be a great Birthday present. Keep us updated. Barry


I know what you are going through. My son had an ATV accident and his doctor was the same way. He finally switched doctors and they ordered the MRI. Problems almost the same as yours. I think they don't order the tests because the insurance companies don't want them to. Unless you've have back problems that serious or know someone that has, you can't understand how bad it is. Good luck with your surgery.


i had back surgery when i was 22 its not all that bad just make sure you do all of the exercises they give you. i hurt mine working i had two disc stuck in my nerve to my leg no feeling in my leg. today i still do the same work. i am stupid but hey it pays the bills. goodluck


Active Member
Originally Posted by Smork81
WOW that story is like what happened to me last year, cept i wasnt on a horse i was driving a forklift! 2 herniated disc, 2 bulging disc, stenosis, and like 2 disc leaking fluids allready, degenerative disc disease and the inside of my spinal column is smaller than normal which = more pain for anything! And my doc will NOT do surgery!!!!! He says im to young and im 26 next month!!! I know your pain and im soooo sry this has happend to ya. I do hope and pray your surgery goes all well!
Find another doctor who is at least open to the idea of surgery