well just saw ufc 83


Originally Posted by digitydash
UFC bought Pride so if he is in pride he don't need a contract to fight in the UFC or am I missing something?.Coutour is a beast old or not his still can whoop some ***
yea you are
ummm ufc said to fedor he couldnt fight in samba anymore or anything else if he made a contract with them.(he fights in alot of different style matches)
so he said forget it then..made a contract with this "group" that outsources him kinda..its pretty confusing
but the ufc wont let him fight because of it.....
who cares
theres bodog
theres M-1
theres alot of different organization that him and couture can fight in..they are just trying to get a tv station to take the fight
and he is not retired...just because it says so on ufc.com doesn't make it true..dana has been known to lie(alot)..and its not because he wanted more money either..its because he felt disrespected by the amount they were going to give fedor as a singing bonus..which was more then he ever made for a fight period
fats pride is totally different style of fighting...cage is a huge difference...and the only person to publicly say they werent going to train in a cage was cro cop..who got his arse handed to him in the ufc..thats why i think forest can win because he can take a beating..and when rampage used to fight in pride, it was when he got frustrated he would mess up
and who beat cro cop...fedor
whats cro cop best asset...head kicks
howd did fedor beat him...head kick
fedor is unknown because
number 1 he is humble
number 2 he doesn't fight in the ufc
number 3 he is Russian
number 4 people are to bizy watching ultimate fighter to find out who the real great fighters are...they just listen to whatever joe rogan tells them.


Ok, I'm tired of hearing what a beast rampage is and how he will destroy forrest. I see a lot of people doing these pride who's beat who and therefore can beat whoever so based on this logic apparently no one saw rampage talk S#!^ about how shogun wouldn't stand up with him in pride and that he would get knocked out yada yada bs bs bs, and then shogun promptly pounded the livin S#!^ out of rampage in the corner in the first. I had seen shogun destroy people and he was from the same academy of nasty fellas that encompassed anderson silva and wanderlei. So our poor little lovable brawler forrest would get destroyed in shoguns debut right? right? Hahaha no! This kid can take a beating and what's great about fighting is this is actually a good quality to have. I also think it's ridiculous that everyone seems to think rampage is so much bigger and more powerful than forrest. I thought houston was bigger than thiago silva till that frightening staredown. Um forrest is 2" taller than rampage and in my opinion could very well end up overpowering rampage, I mean he friggin stuffed tito on 90% of tito's take down attempts and tito is no little guy not known for slamming people. Don't get me wrong, if forrest leaves that chin out there to get hit it's gonna be shades of jardine all over again, but barring that I don't see rampage besting forrest via GNP or submission. And if rampage thinks he's in for the kind of sluggish looking standup liddel has shown of late when he fights forrest he will be in big trouble. This guy is a young hungry fighter approaching the top of his game and I believe he will take the belt. Feel free to point out my error judgement, but at least give the point of view some pondering...


Active Member
Ok here is my take on this .
1. I understand he is in what ever they are calling the organization now (M1)
He is their poster boy and as such he was basicaly allowed to have an open contract .
2. His open contract that allowes him to fight in other organizations ,Is only in place so fedor can pick and choose his opponents . He fights the older (tired ) young(inexperianced) and freaks of nature ala WWE style ( 7 foot tall giants and 400 pounders )
3. He did beat BIG NOG . But follow me now .... Big nog and silvia fought for the "Interm" title .
4 . Fedor comes from Pride Fighting Championship .... Notorious for paying fighters to take a dive . Gee I wonder how many fighters were paid to take a dive for prides poster boy (FEDOR) .
1. This will be a good fight . Rampage is a little over glorified as the MMA superman . But he still desreves respect . He took liddell out not once but twice . Just to claify that for those saying liddell has been getting sloppy . Liddells take down defence is top notch , He handled tito like nothing . But yet in their first match up rampage took liddell down and ground and pound on him till liddells corn threw in the towel . This fight took place in liddells glory days .
2. Forest is coming off of a win against one of prides top fighters in shogun rua . Shogun Is a top of the line fighter . But what honestly needs to be addressed here is the level of training and of legitimat compatition in the PFC organization . Pride fighters have not been making the transition to ufc rules /the octagon/ or the level of training that UFC fighters have been fighting at for years .
3 Both fighters come from good camps that know how to train their fighters to go the distance . But honestly Forest is training at a low elevation . I have been to both las vegas and to big bear . When it comes down to it I give rampage the edge here . Training at elevation gives you better stamina . Neither fighter has been known to GAS .
4. Forest has improved his ground game . After all he did just submit shogun( shocked to see that ) . But his ground game is not proven with one win . He will have to bring his A game to go to the ground with rampage and pull of a submission .
5 Forrest needs to keep his chin in because ramage has serious knock out power . If given the shot he will put forrest out for the count . We have seen in the past that forest can't take a solid hit from a striker ala Jerdine vs Forrest .
6. Forrest does have the tools to win this but its not going to be as evenly matched as people think .
As far as not knowing who anderson the spider silva is ...... FAIL as a MMA fan . The guy is ranked as the top pound for pound fighter in modern MMA . He destroyed Rich Franklin twice via TKO , Dan Henderson( on the ground just incase you don't know Dan is an olympic medalist in wrestling), Travis Luter, and Nathan Marquedt . All top level fighters . Believe me it kills me that he is the top of the chain . I still owe ruaround 20 bucks for the fight against Hendo .


Active Member
Just to add to the fedor thing . He did not sign with UFC for multiple reasons . The exclusive contarct is only one . He wanted more money than he deserved to be making . He wanted Dana and the ufc to also sign his Red devil team mates that were sub par for UFC . Basicaly he wanted to come in and run the show like he did in PFC . Tim Silvia took the fight on Hdnet against Fedor for the payday . I guarantee a win by Fedor . Fedor would not stand a chance in a legitimate fight against any top ranked fighter of any top organization .

I can see by the Fedor love here. Just why sherdog has been just a little slower over the weekend .


Active Member
Originally Posted by sciknen
he isnt retired...read the news he is trying to organize a fight with fedor throught bodog guy....
oo yea mark coleman just got put into the ufc hall of fame...
he is going to fight brock
who beat his arse three years ago....fedor
and in the arlovski vs sylivia fights that he lost he was knocked out nothing to do with ground game
and so you know fedor has no contract with the ufc so he is not going to fight sylvia...and couture was older then sylvia when he beat him..so this old man stuff is for the birds
Couture is an awsome fighter and is tremendously blessed to be his age and still who and what he is today.
Originally Posted by sciknen

yea you are
ummm ufc said to fedor he couldnt fight in samba anymore or anything else if he made a contract with them.(he fights in alot of different style matches)
so he said forget it then..made a contract with this "group" that outsources him kinda..its pretty confusing
but the ufc wont let him fight because of it.....
who cares
theres bodog
theres M-1
theres alot of different organization that him and couture can fight in..they are just trying to get a tv station to take the fight
and he is not retired...just because it says so on ufc.com doesn't make it true..dana has been known to lie(alot)..and its not because he wanted more money either..its because he felt disrespected by the amount they were going to give fedor as a singing bonus..which was more then he ever made for a fight period
fats pride is totally different style of fighting...cage is a huge difference...and the only person to publicly say they werent going to train in a cage was cro cop..who got his arse handed to him in the ufc..thats why i think forest can win because he can take a beating..and when rampage used to fight in pride, it was when he got frustrated he would mess up
and who beat cro cop...fedor
whats cro cop best asset...head kicks
howd did fedor beat him...head kick
fedor is unknown because
number 1 he is humble
number 2 he doesn't fight in the ufc
number 3 he is Russian
number 4 people are to bizy watching ultimate fighter to find out who the real great fighters are...they just listen to whatever joe rogan tells them.
OK, well I said it is completely different so your point to me is what ? and as far as publicly saying it and people whom I know are not using it what is the difference other than I might know if someone is using the cage and you don't.
Originally Posted by Harlikwin
Ok, I'm tired of hearing what a beast rampage is and how he will destroy forrest. I see a lot of people doing these pride who's beat who and therefore can beat whoever so based on this logic apparently no one saw rampage talk S#!^ about how shogun wouldn't stand up with him in pride and that he would get knocked out yada yada bs bs bs, and then shogun promptly pounded the livin S#!^ out of rampage in the corner in the first. I had seen shogun destroy people and he was from the same academy of nasty fellas that encompassed anderson silva and wanderlei. So our poor little lovable brawler forrest would get destroyed in shoguns debut right? right? Hahaha no! This kid can take a beating and what's great about fighting is this is actually a good quality to have. I also think it's ridiculous that everyone seems to think rampage is so much bigger and more powerful than forrest. I thought houston was bigger than thiago silva till that frightening staredown. Um forrest is 2" taller than rampage and in my opinion could very well end up overpowering rampage, I mean he friggin stuffed tito on 90% of tito's take down attempts and tito is no little guy not known for slamming people. Don't get me wrong, if forrest leaves that chin out there to get hit it's gonna be shades of jardine all over again, but barring that I don't see rampage besting forrest via GNP or submission. And if rampage thinks he's in for the kind of sluggish looking standup liddel has shown of late when he fights forrest he will be in big trouble. This guy is a young hungry fighter approaching the top of his game and I believe he will take the belt. Feel free to point out my error judgement, but at least give the point of view some pondering...


Active Member
Dude you got it way wrong... Forrest Is in my top 5 fighter choices love the guy. I just Can not see the fight style mesh.. Iceman has one of the best take down defenses in pride ufc. wherever you wanna take it he is a true bad mother sucker. Rampage slammed him !!!! Forest does not have the experience yet to overpower rampage. He is gonna get caught with his chin out coming in and wham rampage is gonna take it off. I been watching rampage for years prior to UFC I been around a long while I fought a few times in tough men contests was into MMA 20 years ago.. I was never on the same playing field as these guys are so I'm not bragging I'm some tough guy.. I get hurt picking up too much trash anymore lol. Shoulders re-done back hips groin spine is a wreck etc so apparently I was not that good lol.
Anyway, forest can take a beating but not the hands off rampage it just wont happen. I do not put forest on the same exp level as ice and he got ktfo !! Tito c'mon man why even bring up the Huntington beach pr0n man... He will fade away shortly watch and see. He is more interested in his business opportunities than fighting anymore..
As far as rampage talking smack that is his job pre-fight apparently you did not see him say that ? We all have tivo anymore and we all buy the fights. I have been lucky enough to hit several live over the years and hope to continue.


Active Member
The UFC was started as a tournament to find the world’s best fighters irrespective of their style, and was based upon Brazilian vale tudo fighting or No Holds Barred. Although there were a few limited number of rules at UFC 1, the UFC was initially known as no holds barred fighting, and contests were often violent and brutal. Early UFC fights were less sport than spectacle, which led to accusations of brutality and “human ---- fighting” by opponents.
So out of all the MMA organizations the UFC was a tournament for THE BEST !


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
The UFC was started as a tournament to find the world’s best fighters irrespective of their style, and was based upon Brazilian vale tudo fighting or No Holds Barred. Although there were a few limited number of rules at UFC 1, the UFC was initially known as no holds barred fighting, and contests were often violent and brutal. Early UFC fights were less sport than spectacle, which led to accusations of brutality and “human ---- fighting” by opponents.
So out of all the MMA organizations the UFC was a tournament for THE BEST !

Held right here in the mile high city .


sorry i dont know everyones nick name my bad....the guy said the spider is the best and i didint know andersons nick name...i know the real names for the most parts..
ufc can pay off fighters just as easy as pride can man...there is no proof all your stating is non factual acusations
and go watch the fights agasint nog.....if he dived if never seen anyone try so hard....and one of the fights was stopped by cuts (soooo cant dive there)
and whether the title is interim or not..yea it has the interim title.. its still the title..and couture isnt going to come back so does that mean the title will forever be interim..no....same thing happens in boxing when the champ retires as champ they have a title fight and it goes on
but man some of those olds fights were brutal...i guess i wish i was born earlier
i would love to go to a show with my old man but i dont have 2grand to blow


and if u look at the tapes the 1st ufc fight btw rampage and ice
liddell looked in horrible shape
but yea it will be a fight and a half for forest


Ok, I wasn't trying to say it isn't Rampage's job to talk smack, just pointing out he made a point to say the smaller fighter he was facing wouldn't stand with him which I found hilarious when he lost to a younger faster fighter in Shogun who manhandled him like a punk, it was a totally one sided fight. I'm not saying it won't be a good fight, I'm counting on it and excited about it being a good fight, and I feel barring a ridiculous knockout upset it will be awesome. As much as I love these guys and what awesome fights they've shown us (Rampage, Iceman, the good ol Axe Murderer) they're beginning to fall in that veteran category where they aren't going to look as fast and unbeatable as they used to, I think it showed in the chuck and wandy fight. I'm not saying any of them are anywhere near done, I'm just saying sometimes there is a point where experience and youth neutralize each other. But you never know what will happen, on any given day someone can fall, the human chin just isn't made to be hit that hard. And as long as tito sticks around to be a human punching bag for fighters I like I'll be happy. I'd love to see wandy get his payback on him for the loss back in the day...


ps fire joe rogan and mike g and hire bas rutten and kenflo to comment so i don't have to experience bile rising in my throat so many times per UFC


Active Member
Nog Is The Heavyweight Champ, Period. Dana Can Say Whatever He Wants But "the Natural" Himself Said Nog Is Champ And That He Resigned. There Is No Interim Champ In Heavyweight.
Forrest Vs Rampage Is Gonna Be A Huge Fight. Either Man Can Win, Yes Rampage Has Knock Out Power. But Everythrow He Makes Isnt Going To Be Knockout Power. Forrest's Game Has Come A Huge Way From Being Just A Stricker To A Balanced Fighter. Forrest Is A Smart Fighter Who Isnt Gonna Leave His "chin" Out There. Hes Much Better Than Is First Stephan Bonner Fight Who Just Stands There And Punchs. Im Not Saying Whos Gonna Win This One Because Its A Closer Match Than People Want To Admit.
Fedor Fedor Fedor. He Has Fought Top Fighters, Many Of Them. However None Of Them Recent. However This Fight Isnt A Ufc Fight, And Its In Fedors Style Fighting. Fighting Tim Sylvia Is A Joke. Sorry I Have Never Been A Fan Of Him. He Has No Gnp, Little Sub Skills, Has A High Kick And Heavy Hands (because He's 6'8 268lb) Who Wouldnt? Tim Sylvia Is Gonna Get A Wake Up Call In This Fight. Couture Ripped Him And If Fedor Does His Homework So Will He


Active Member
What is the problem with rogan He knows what he is talking about he rolls with these guys and is no chump himself.
As far as Forest he has ccome a LOOOOONG WAY from the show but he does not have the exp rampage does and sooner or later forest will charge in and its nn time..
I would love to see Forest become the liddel of old but I do not see it happening yet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Harlikwin
ps fire joe rogan and mike g and hire bas rutten and kenflo to comment so i don't have to experience bile rising in my throat so many times per UFC


im tired of his homer simpsonesque wardrobe too... same attire every match... black turtle neck ~or~ black long sleeve and denim... DOOOOOOH!!!
he needs to go back to "News Radio"...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround

im tired of his homer simpsonesque wardrobe too... same attire every match... black turtle neck ~or~ black long sleeve and denim... DOOOOOOH!!!
he needs to go back to "News Radio"...
Your just mad because he makes more money than you and can afford take out pizza


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround

im tired of his homer simpsonesque wardrobe too... same attire every match... black turtle neck ~or~ black long sleeve and denim... DOOOOOOH!!!
he needs to go back to "News Radio"...

I have to say I have been to the fights watch everyone on tivo other than the last one and could not tell you what he wore one time.. I am into the fight not into wardrobe changes...
I like to hear him describe the fight I think he does a great job honestly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
I have to say I have been to the fights watch everyone on tivo other than the last one and could not tell you what he wore one time.. I am into the fight not into wardrobe changes...
I like to hear him describe the fight I think he does a great job honestly.
his wardrobe and his comentary are TOTALLY redundant... he doesnt have anything new to say or anything new to wear... BORING!!! the group that i watch every UFC with all but 1 can do with out him...
yes it is about the fights... but man you HAVE to listen to him and see him during ALOT of the fights... especially on the 30 minute loop that is run before the fight... i swear all they do is change the fighters and dub Rogans same ol same ol opinions and outlook on the fights...