well this is fun read the last one


Active Member
*S* hopefully now more people will take my warnings about palytoxin more seriously
I think is hilarious they used a shot of an extremly common protopalythoa.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sharkbait9
i wonder how many people are in this hobby and have not one clue that they are playing with poison.

i was in the hobby for about 3 months before i knew...but i only had one colony of zoas then...


Active Member
Originally Posted by sharkbait9
i wonder how many people are in this hobby and have not one clue that they are playing with poison.

I was one until like 30 seconds ago. So if you touch a coral you die? BTW do you people use gloves then when putting coral in tank?


Active Member
when dealing with palythoas I'd say gloves are a must. Of course the safest thing is not dealing with them at all ....


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
So if you touch a coral you die?
the palytoxins are integral in the flesh and fluids within the coral. touching one isnt going to kill you. MOST zoas and palythoa dont even contain palytoxin. the palytoxin needs an avenue of entry, cut mucous glands, tear ducts.... hold on I have a thread about palytoxin here somewhere.


Active Member
Originally Posted by daayda3
that is why i want my zoos OUT
thats like saying I can go blind if I get bleach in my eye so I'm never bleaching my white cloths again......


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
thats like saying I can go blind if I get bleach in my eye so I'm never bleaching my white cloths again......
hmmm .... I remember my parents preaching that you'll go blind thing ... I don't think it had to do with bleaching whites though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigarn
hmmm .... I remember my parents preaching that you'll go blind thing ... I don't think it had to do with bleaching whites though.

Yeah it had to do with touching and hands but it was not coral they were talking about, i think