Well water change?


Hi all,
Without thinking, I filled my 125g tank with well (softened) water. I didn't actually fill the tank directly though. I mixed the water in 40g garbage bins and let it sit for 2 days with a large power head and heater in each bin.
The tank has been cycling for 1 week. My questions is, should I consider draining it at refilling with RO/DI water before adding livestock? Or would say a 50% water change be OK? Would I need to start cycling all over again?
I plan on getting an RO/DI unit anyway... Like the Kent marine Hi-S Maxxima 60gpd they have on this site. Is that a decent one?
Thanks, and sorry for so many ?'s


Originally Posted by extremepcs
Hi all,
Without thinking, I filled my 125g tank with well (softened) water. I didn't actually fill the tank directly though. I mixed the water in 40g garbage bins and let it sit for 2 days with a large power head and heater in each bin.
The tank has been cycling for 1 week. My questions is, should I consider draining it at refilling with RO/DI water before adding livestock? Or would say a 50% water change be OK? Would I need to start cycling all over again?
I plan on getting an RO/DI unit anyway... Like the Kent marine Hi-S Maxxima 60gpd they have on this site. Is that a decent one?
Thanks, and sorry for so many ?'s

Don't ever be sorry for questions, we would rather you ask!!!! How is the water you are using? I use well water myself, but I live at the base of a mountain and my water is very pure. You do not have to drain your system. You will be fine. How are you going about cycling?


Thanks. :joy:
My well water seems to be great. No odor, and it tastes fine straight from the tap. My water softner is fairly new, and is a 2 chamber model. We don't have any rust problems. We've been in our house for 4 years and have never had a water problem. The well had to be tested by law before we moved in and they didn't find any toxins in the water.
My tank levels as of this morning are:
Ammonia - 1 (just removed the raw shrimp carcass this AM)
Nitrate - 10
Nitrite - 0 - .25
High range Ph - 8.2
Lights are on a 6 hour on 6 off schedule. I am seeing brown algea form on some of my (cured) live rock, but it doesn't seem to be out of control.


the only problem with a well as you probably already now is that it can change from one year to the next. to me its not worth the risk all you need is a gas spill 30 miles away that doesnt get reported and leaches down to the aquafer and then you are adding that to your tank. plus when the state or local goverment comes in and checks things out they have a guidline that has a certain level of contamination that is OK *supposedly* for human consumption. If you have the break down of what your water tested at with all the chemicals you will be able to see what is actually in there including heavy metals.** most of which are toxic to inverts**.
I swear by RO and RO/DI units I have tasted, felt, and experienced the difference in nonfiltered and filtered water.