Well Water Question


New Member
I'm currently on a public water system, but using an RO/DI unit for processing the water for my various tanks, but that will change shortly. We're in the process of buying a home that exists on well water. What things do I need to have checked as far as the water quality and is it possible to continue my reef tanks using well water? The system at the new house also has a water softener in the system, is that a problem or help? Any information that you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Active Member
well eater will be higher in iron, they chemicly treat wells with phosphoric acid so the phosphates are really high


New Member
I gather from what you are saying that it may be impossible to continue my saltwater tanks unless I cart distilled water in for them? Would an RO/DI unit be sufficient to remove iron and the phosphates or is that asking the impossible of a reliable unit or are there any other water purification systems that I can use in conjunction with an RO/DI unit? I hate to give up the hobby, cause I really do enjoy it, but don't want to unnecessarily be doing my marine babies in.


IMO, your RO/DI unit will be fine. You might have to change certain cartridges for often, that's all. For example, if phosphates are high as mentioned above, you will have to change out the DI unit more often. You'll need to test your output water for Phosphate to know when to change it. But that goes for City water people too. Only way to make a more informed decision than that would be to ask your new neighbors if they have any water test data from their wells.


Your softener will sustain your RO/DI membranes and cartridges longer, so that is a good thing. An RO/DI will make your water fine although you will have a lot of waste water. Is is a community well, or a well house in the back yard?? I will not be here to see your answer, but community wells are chlorinated.
Back yard wells, are mostly the minerals from the ground and if your water tastes like eggs, that's sulfer.


Active Member
hydrogen sulfide actually and yes your ro unit would be fine but you will go through cartrigis more often just check for ph and phos before adding the salt


Well water is fine, but you should have it tested. Usually high in minerals and some metals, as well as phosphates, which are all easily removed.
I run mine thorugh a whole home softener and filter system, then it goes through my UV/ozone cyclonic filter with double .05 micron solid carbon blocks.


New Member
Thanks everyone for your input, I really appreciate it! From what I gather when they test the well water prior to buying the house, I should get a copy of the results. And no to the question as to whether it is a community well. The well is only for that particular house. Will try to ask some of the neighbors up there questions, but will have to hike a bit to ask questions as my neighbors aren't that close. Am very relieved to hear that an RO/DI unit will work in this situation as well. I wasn't sure whether it would work or not and I didn't want to kill things in the process of finding out. Thanks again and hope ya'll have a fantastic weekend.