Well Water?


I am starting a 38 gallon reef tank with a 29gallon sump/fuge, 70 lbs of LR and a 4in LS bed in fuge. I have well water and had it tested at LFS. PH=7.6 , trace phospahtes, no nitrites, no nitrates. Another LFS did a test on hardness and alkalinity but I don't trust there test's(hole in the wall store). There readings were alkalinity=120ppm, hardness=120ppm. Is there anything else I should test for before starting up reef? I don't want to get a RO unit if my water is fine. Would a local water supply company like culligan be able to test my water for everything?


Active Member
Yes test for everything. You may have high iron or magnesium or what ever. An RO/DI will be the building block of a reef. Or maybe a DI unit for the time being. They are cheaper and have no waste water.


New Member
I live in the country and we have hard water out here, purified water is so cheap, do you really think its worth the risk


I have community well water...culligan will test it for you thinking they'll make a sale. My water works fine...its high in iron and calcium, but no problems. 90 gallon reef


New Member
i've never even bothered to test the water out here.....i just think for about $2 for 4 gals its not worth it


I am on a 425' well and use Red Sea salt. I use a RO/DI filter and before I mix in salt it has a ph of about 7. Once it is mixed it is 8.1 - 8.3. If I just use the pure well water after mixing it is about 8.8. My TDS for the well water is 146 and after the RO/DI it is 0.