

My new Diamond Watchman decided to jump.(this is the last Giby I am going to buy) So, I would like some recomendations on what I could put in my 46 gallon. What I have currently is a Coral Beauty and 5 Damsels, they aren't aggressive. I was looking for fish that WILL NOT JUMP. I like Anthias, but they might be to timid in my tank. So all recommendations will be appreciated. Thanks.


IMO, a royal gramma wouldn't be the bully in a tank with 5 damsels and a dwarf angel. I would think that it would get bullied.


You already have six fish, five of which are territorial and can be mean, and a CB, in a 46 gallon tank. To be honest, you are about at max. The CB is lucky to be doing so well in a damsel tank.


Originally Posted by BoneSnapper
What about a Hawk? They don't need a lot of swimming room. But I have Dwarf Blue Leg Hermits in there.
Hawks are not fast swimmers, being that they do not have a swim bladder. If the damsels do not pick on him then one will be fine. It may or may not pick off a few blue legged hermits. Mine sucked one out of it's shell while he was looking at me one time. He has not bothered my other inverts since though. It isn't so much about swimming room and how many fish you can "fit" in the tank. You want the tank to be healthy and not over stocked.
how about a six line wrasse or a longnose hawkfish. They are fun to watch and very active. Also very neat looking, especially the hawkfish


I have had a Sixline before. I really like the Longnose, but they are expensive at my LFS. What about a Pixy or Coral Hawkfish.


Originally Posted by BoneSnapper
I have had a Sixline before. I really like the Longnose, but they are expensive at my LFS. What about a Pixy or Coral Hawkfish.
Pixys are Coral hawks. That is a pretty aggressive hawk. They are known to pick at other fish, including pygmy angels.