Wellsophyllia question

reef fool

Active Member
My wellsophyllia has not opened during the day in the last month. At night with the moonlights on, it is totally puffed up with the tentacles out. During the day, it is shrunken tight to it's skeleton and seems to be losing it's color. All my levels are and have been ideal. Actually, all of my other corals are not only looking perfectly healthy, but they are growing at a good rate. ANY IDEAS WHAT COULD BE WRONG? I have had this coral for over a year without a problem.
Here it is healthy and open:

reef fool

Active Member

Originally posted by waterfaller1
How long has it been,since you changed your light bulbs?Just a thought..And,can you post your water parameters?

I just changed my light bulbs, one every 2 weeks for the last 10 weeks
(5 - 160 watt bulbs)
Here are my parameters:
ammonia, nitrite nitrate and phosphate all 0
pH = 8.1
Ca = 445
Dkh = 9.6
temp = 79-80
these numbers have been constant for the 11 months since this system has been running.And, as I stated before, all of my other corals are doing great! So was this one for the past 14 months until the last month.


Active Member
does it eat when you feed it?? I am assuming you feed it after lights out with some nice meaty food (when it is all puffed up??)

reef fool

Active Member

Originally posted by overanalyzer
does it eat when you feed it?? I am assuming you feed it after lights out with some nice meaty food (when it is all puffed up??)

Yes, I have tried to. I have used DT's, brine shrimp, silversides, squid, etc...


Active Member

Originally posted by reef fool
Yes, I have tried to. I have used DT's, brine shrimp, silversides, squid, etc...

does it eat though?? When you feed it the silversides and squid??

reef fool

Active Member

Originally posted by overanalyzer
does it eat though?? When you feed it the silversides and squid??

It seems to eat it at times, sometimes the shrimp get to it and steal it, other times it just doesn't stick to the coralat all!

nm reef

Active Member
I wish I could identify the problem...but I can't.
I had the same situation about this time last year...almost identical. Despite all my efforts I eventually lost the coral and to this day I have no idea the source or cause of the decline. I wish I could provide some info that would help...but all I can suggest is to continue providing ideal conditions and hope for the best. I even consulted a few "experts" in the field and even they were at a loss for a explanation. Sorry...but I do wish you all the best.:thinking:

reef fool

Active Member

Originally posted by NM reef
I wish I could identify the problem...but I can't.
I had the same situation about this time last year...almost identical. Despite all my efforts I eventually lost the coral and to this day I have no idea the source or cause of the decline. I wish I could provide some info that would help...but all I can suggest is to continue providing ideal conditions and hope for the best. I even consulted a few "experts" in the field and even they were at a loss for a explanation. Sorry...but I do wish you all the best.:thinking:

Thanks NM,
I guess it's a lost cause. I am still going to try to feed it at night and see if it helps, but I guess it is time to say goodbye to one of my favorite corals
And one of my oldest.


Active Member

Originally posted by reef fool
Thanks NM,
I guess it's a lost cause. I am still going to try to feed it at night and see if it helps, but I guess it is time to say goodbye to one of my favorite corals
And one of my oldest.

Makes me wonder if it may be old age???
Good luck - keep feeding it and hopefully it wil lmake a come back!


Active Member

Originally posted by overanalyzer
Makes me wonder if it may be old age???

I was actually thinking the same thing. Perhaps this is the end of the corals natural lifespan.