wen tom



What was a cow doing in your fish tank??? (sorry...HAD to say it)
It depends on the species of 'nem, the size differential, and the condition of the cowfish. Additionally, Ostraciidae aren't the strongest swimmers in the world on a good day, which may also have been a factor. It's definitely not beyond the realm of possibility.
You're actually pretty lucky that the cowfish didn't nuke your tank when it died, esp. if it struggled.


Well-Known Member
The sea anemone AKA "The Beautiful Fish Eater/killer" it doesn't really matter the type of anemone, they all act the same. Some have stronger stings but they don't have eyes or a brain...just a mouth and an anus.
They don't go hunting, they just sit there looking pretty, and any critter that gets close enough is stung to death...if it's small enough the anemone consumes it, if not, it just kills the critter. I had a healthy Copperband butterfly fish...I found it dead, stuck in the anemones grasp, it's eyes were bulging and it had whelps where it was stung. It had lived happy and eating good in the QT...first night in the display, it was killed.
The anemone consumed/killed over time

  • 2 Lawn Mower Blennies

  • 6 Cleaner shrimps

  • the Butterfly fish
    2 hermit crabs
    3 peppermint shrimp
It was a long tentacled pink tube anemone, and for the first year it was fine. The older fish knew to stay clear of it, but the new additions were doomed. It grew to the size of a dinner plate. I removed it from my 90g when it grew too large, because the fish had no place to get away from it. I promised myself, that no matter how beautiful...never again.


New Member
Wow, good to know. I have had a pink long tentacle tube anemone for going on 6 months. So far no problems. The clown that's hosting it tends to shoo anyone that gets to close away anyway.


never seen my tube anemone kill any thing. seen it sting my diamond goby twice once when he bit a tentacle off and once when i first put it in and he had to check it out. my male clown has a black mark on his side from the sting from trying to host in it. the female clown tryed to eat food out of its tentacles, her lips turned white for a few hours then she was fine. my dotty and tomini always swim by it and get stung from time to time but still are fine. my hawk sits right under it always watching it. when i had some peppermint shrimp they tryed to eat my tube anemone a few times. but he never ate any of them (my dotty got really fat though). only way i could see him ever being able to kill a fish is if the fish was on its way out any how.
not to argue with you flower, i know they can eat small fish but they are so week a larger healthy fish shouldn't have any problem with a tube anemone. fun part is i rarely feed mine he just catches food as it drifts along in the water due to it primarily being a filter feeder. there is some good reading about the tube anemone online by Robert Toonen, Ph.D. i have had mine for over five years he has been happy, healthy and staying put in his nice little tube.
people tend to always want to put anemones in tanks that are way to small for them and no matter what type of anemone this can lead to a lot of problems. like carpets in a 30gal, sure the anemone will be fine but the fish wont have much room to swim about with out being eaten at some point.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by packrat05 http:///t/394995/wen-tom#post_3525638
never seen my tube anemone kill any thing. seen it sting my diamond goby twice once when he bit a tentacle off and once when i first put it in and he had to check it out. my male clown has a black mark on his side from the sting from trying to host in it. the female clown tryed to eat food out of its tentacles, her lips turned white for a few hours then she was fine. my dotty and tomini always swim by it and get stung from time to time but still are fine. my hawk sits right under it always watching it. when i had some peppermint shrimp they tryed to eat my tube anemone a few times. but he never ate any of them (my dotty got really fat though). only way i could see him ever being able to kill a fish is if the fish was on its way out any how.
not to argue with you flower, i know they can eat small fish but they are so week a larger healthy fish shouldn't have any problem with a tube anemone. fun part is i rarely feed mine he just catches food as it drifts along in the water due to it primarily being a filter feeder. there is some good reading about the tube anemone online by Robert Toonen, Ph.D. i have had mine for over five years he has been happy, healthy and staying put in his nice little tube.
people tend to always want to put anemones in tanks that are way to small for them and no matter what type of anemone this can lead to a lot of problems. like carpets in a 30gal, sure the anemone will be fine but the fish wont have much room to swim about with out being eaten at some point.
My tube anemone was healthy, maybe that's the difference. Mine wasn't weak at all, it ate two lawnmower blennies and a few cleaner shrimps... The good sized butterfly fish (4 inches) it killed, had welts where it got stung to death, and it's eyes were all bulged out. Poor thing must of really suffered. I had to pull it out of it's sticky tentacles, so it sure wasn't weak by any measure. The fish were healthy in my 90g reef, so until my tube anemone reached the size of a dinner plate it was a large enough tank....How much has yours grown in 5 years? In 3 years mine outgrew the tank, it started out as a small little pink pretty glow in the dark thing, and grew to be a monster beautiful fish killer.
Mine didn't stay in one spot either... 2Xs it managed to get caught in a power head and survived, it was nothing but stubble that grew back in a few weeks. The 2nd time in the PH was because it had managed to get it's thin tentacles to work it's way into the coarse filter cover I had put over it. I honestly think it would on purpose go cover the corals when it wanted to roam...stinging everything in it's path.
Rotdrache, a clown will not wallow in a tube anemone...you must have a different type. The tube anemone actually has a sac it lives in, and it's nocturnal, mine would glow in the dark, making the entire tank bright as any moonlight could brighten it.
packrat05....that may well be the case with whatever you have as well...too weak to hurt a healthy fish???? Sorry, but no way.