Now the sad news, with a new tank, I was so proud to have all my fish survive the first three months of setup. On Sunday, I lost my first fish -a black domino. Now, two of my blue devils and one black domino look ill. The black domino looks less black, more light black or gray. The blue devils look like their scales are turning gray. All my fish, except the two largest black dominos (quite agressive) have fins that look frayed.
I am not sure if I am dealing with a disease from a PH problem, agressive fish, or something else. I think things started to go bad with my PH when I gave birth to a premature baby last month. I did water changes and testing, but must have missed a problem with my sleep deprevation and stress. Please help. I love my aquarium and I am so disheartened to be be losing fish. I was planning on adding a couple of clownfish this month, but now I don't dare until the problem is fixed.