Went shopping


I have to set up my 175 BF soon and decided to make it a FOWLR so bought some halide for my 75 reef and am putting the 260 pc on the 175 for the fish. Should make it nice and bright in there for fish maybe some shrooms to decorate it up a bit. Anyway this is my list of stuff ordered tonight to get the 175 up and going.
48" 300 watt Metal Halide PC combo with Legs$620
WON Pro-Heat IC Heater 500 W
Price: $47.95
2 Coralife Digital Thermometers
Price: $13.98
6 bags CaribSea Aragamax Grand Bahama Sand 30 lb*+$17Shipping*
Price: $221.40
1 bag CaribSea Arag-Alive Bahama Oolite Sand 20 Lb*+$13Shipping*
Price: $32.95
Coralife Turbo-Twist 6X - 18 Watt U.V. Sterilizer - Up To 250 Gallons
Price: $119.99
Coralife Turbo-Twist 90 Degrees Hose Locking 5/8 Inch Elbows - 2 Pack
Price: $3.29
Kent Marine Hi-S Maxxima 60 GPD RO/DI System
Price: $219.95
4 Maxi-Jet 1200 Powerheads / MP 1200
Price: $75.80
2 Hydor FLO Rotating Water Deflectors
Price: $25.98
10 ft 5/8in Clear Flexible Tubing / Ft
Price: $13.90
Kent Marine Pro Scraper Metal L, 24 Inches
Price: $16.99
Mag-Float 350 Magnet Cleaner (Glass) - Large (350 Gal)
Price: $19.95
Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef Flake 5.5 oz
Price: $8.99
Kent Marine Garlic Xtreme 1 oz.
Price: $12.95
Liquid Life BioPlankton 30 ml
Price: $24.95
Kent Marine Coral-Vite 16 oz.
Price: $13.95
How To Get There From Here by Ron Shimek
Price: $6.72 cheap and like to read lol
E.S.V. Zap Gel Instant Adhesive 0.11 oz. Tube
Price: $2.00 for the new lps and sps I will be able to keep under the halide in the 75
already have a coral life needle wheel skimmer and magjet 1800 for the sump just need to get some rock and plants for the fuge. also have a bucket full of bioballs that i took out of my wet dry for my 75 reef should I use them? Let me know what you guys think about some of these products I have chosen to use.


well actually this is her idea. :cheer: don;t like the fact that on the reef tank she can't have some of the fish we wil be able to keep in the 175 so this is all on her. we went out to eat at this place in Tulsa last night and they have SW tanks all over the store. They have a 150 with about 250 lbs of live rock and MH lighting as well as corals and other nice stuff for 1000 bucks she wanted me to get that as well. lol


Active Member
1000 bucks for a 150 and 250 pounds of LR is worth way more than that, I'd have bought it on the spot.


Well I will be getting it. Anyone on here intrested in a 150 glass with all the plumbing and pumps as well as a sump???? Most likley will try and get $500.00 out of this. No shipping must come to Tulsa


Active Member
Originally Posted by Harndog
Well I will be getting it. Anyone on here intrested in a 150 glass with all the plumbing and pumps as well as a sump???? Most likley will try and get $500.00 out of this. No shipping must come to Tulsa
Got any pics?


I will get you some Hot. this thing is nice. I went and gave him the money today. I am getting the 150 4 powerheads new magjet 1800 or 2400 he was not sure. acrylic sump about a 3" sandbed that has been up for a long time. He said 14 years but
. Lighting is 3 MH with 4 vho's not sure on watts. about 250lbs established live rock.
Now for the good stuff it has a ton of zoos ( golden eagle eyes, greens, green with orange frill, brown, and some others may have close to 300 polyps. there is a rock covered in green star polyps the rock is at least a foot long and about 6" wide. Blue mushrooms about 10 polyps. The rock with the golden eyes has green incrusting SPS all over it. also has the star polyps. about 6 branches of frogspawn. A yellow tang, green spotted mandrian that is fat and about 3" long and a small percula clown.
Can anyone say SCORE!!!!!!!!!!
The Tank, sand, sump, all plumbing, pumps and maybe the lights are for sale or trade. May also trade some coral. I will get Pics up by Sat night. Going to get it friday. The stand is homemade but it goes with the tank. e-mail me at dave.harney@mci.com if intrested.