Were should Koralia should be placed

Yea I just bought one and planning on getting another so I was wondering can I get a picture of were they need to be placed and positioned so that the water is just about the flow I need. I have a 55 gallon long with an over flow box and the return pump from the sump on the right side. Im planning on getting diverted peices so I can split the return pump flows in the tank to the middle. I also need to see that to. So I need some pics or a drawing in were to place and position these item.
I gladly appreciate it and I really got some help from this site and I love you all (no homo)

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
Yea I just bought one and planning on getting another so I was wondering can I get a picture of were they need to be placed and positioned so that the water is just about the flow I need. I have a 55 gallon long with an over flow box and the return pump from the sump on the right side. Im planning on getting diverted peices so I can split the return pump flows in the tank to the middle. I also need to see that to. So I need some pics or a drawing in were to place and position these item.
I gladly appreciate it and I really got some help from this site and I love you all (no homo)
a cool thread it will tell you.......
Hey Keith thanks for the idea of the return pump, but like I notice that the Koralias dont pump straight forward they pump to the sides or at least three and one hole is kinda dead.
I understand to put it on the left and right but is it on the side glass or the back wall? and how should I position them cause these are so weird

keith burn

Active Member
In the box was a little clip one ring use it and it will flow straight forward.
Put on the end like the p/h in pic


keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
I dont see a ring of some sort but it has the cover on it already, is there something missing then?
will the cover come off and did it have a ring grid in it?

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
I got a Hydor Koralia,in the picture that looks like a Maxi
Or you telling me thats were I should place it?

yes sorry old pic
Naw it didnt come with that

Should I go to them and tell them that its missing something?
And again should I put it on the side as the picture shows if I had that grid

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
Naw it didnt come with that

Should I go to them and tell them that its missing something?
And again should I put it on the side as the picture shows if I had that grid
Put them on the side with or with out grid the pump will work with out it imo very well i use it in the 55gal with out one.
"very well i use it in the 55gal with out one."
I didnt get it, you telling me to try to return it or leave it in there cause I kinda positioned it that it flow below it and then forward and behind it to flow every part its at.
HAHA I found out that I have to buy a directional peice, thats a bummer though
UUHH I guess I have to buy a little ol peice that probrably costs like 20 bucks

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
"very well i use it in the 55gal with out one."
I didnt get it, you telling me to try to return it or leave it in there cause I kinda positioned it that it flow below it and then forward and behind it to flow every part its at.

OK if you return it and get a new one cool.
The flow of it with out grid is good i like it.
The flow is like a wave and helps a lot reg p/h flow in a wedge <
The flow with this is like a corkscrew and it works good