were to cut,when fraging colt corals

luke g

ok im tryign to decide if i will frag my colt i wanna really bad but dont know were to cut ,,and i dont want to kill the coral.
do i juts cut near the stem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by luke g
ok im tryign to decide if i will frag my colt i wanna really bad but dont know were to cut ,,and i dont want to kill the coral.
do i juts cut near the stem.
Actually it really doesnt matter. You can cut it anywhere and the both sections will continue to grow.


Active Member
Yeah leathers are pretty good corals when it comes to fragging. Any kind of branching type leathers work particuarlly well if you can find some sort of V shaped branches where you can cut right under the V, place a rubberband in the middle/around a rock and wait a couple weeks for it to attach... piece of cake right?
I honestly had a rough time rubberbanding them to rocks. They are so damn slippery. I eventually got them all to stay. I agree cut them near the V sections. Its fool proof.


I have been trying to frag my colt coral for a week now. I cut it at a V then rubber banded it to a rock with all the water movement, I guess,it split in half and went floating. Then I tried the super glue method. That worked fine for awhile until the movement sent it floating again. Now I have glued it and rubber banded it. What I'm I doing wrong? I haven't killed it yet. Got any suggestions?


for future reference do a search for "fraggin the beast." Excellent step by step instructions with pictures on how to frag a soft coral.