Werid Growth


So I have this groth growing on my Star polyp and the shell of my abalone.

The little white guy towards the middle with what looks to me as a type of feeding device similar to a fan worms or feather dusters.
Looking at it I am lead to believe it might be a type of sponge, but I am not certain. It actually is growing on the back of the abalone and this particular coral....nothing else seems to be effected at this point, but I don't want it to be if this indeed is an "undesireable". Thanks for the help guys!


I guess thats a good thing because I have them to and I always wondered what it was! lol Are they ok to be left on coral skeletons if they grow on them?

payton 350

yes erratiq
i never do anything to them ...they seem to do their own thing and so far it hasn't affected the look of the tank so i don't care....


Awesome! My fiance was pulling them off everyday thinking they were harmful and she was getting frustrated that they kept coming back. Thanks for the info I can tell her despite all her attempts she won't win