West Central Texas Reef Club???

I am going to apologize now, since I don't know if I'm allowed to post this.
Does anyone know of a West Central Texas Reef club? Trying to find ppl a little closer to me. I am a member of several clubs but they are a little far away for regular trades, swaps, and hands on training. Anyone out here in West Central Texas interested in getting a club up? I sure would be for it. Let me know.
I am not referring to online boards such as this one. I love the online boards to get multiple answere and then see what is good for my situation.
TR, Shirley

nm reef

Active Member
Lubbock has a fairly decent organization....try a search for "lubbock reef club"....there is a forums list and monthly (sometimes) meetings.
Thanks NMReef. I think they are about as far as DLS and San Antonio. I will check them out however.
Nothing like getting an answer from a moderator when you're in doubt if you can post a topic. Thanks a bunch.
Any others out there? Please let me know. I would like to get one going in San Angelo, but don't know if there is enough interests.
Any help is welcomed...TR, Shirley
Anyone around San Angelo or Abilene going to Next Wave in March? Sure would like a rider with me. It is in Dallas Area. Let me know.