West Chester PA moving sale


I am dismantling my tank and I am looking for someone who wants to buy a reef. Here is everything included (and there may even be more)
110 lbs of live rock
1 Yellow Tang
2 False Clowns
1 Pseudocromis
1 Longnose Hawkfish
1 Yellow Tail Damsel
1 Emerald Crab
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
1 Bubble Coral
1 Cats Eyes Coral
3 or 4 Separate Rocks with Fire Polyps on them
2 or 3 Separate Rocks with Fiji Polyps on them
1 Branching Hammer
1 Xenia
6 Mushrooms (I think 2 are purple and the other 4 oare red with purple stripes)
1 Large set of Paleo's
1 Orange Ricordea
Corallife 4x65 (50/50-10k)
3 Timers
55 Gallon tank with Stand
Penguin 400
3 Power Heads (2 AquaClear 802 (400GPH) and another 150GPH)
Seaclone 150 (could be a 100, but I think it is a 150)
Test Kits
2 Heaters
1 Automatic Feeder
1 Seaweed Clip with a stack of Seaweek about 6 inches high
A bunch of supplements
1 Glass Magnet
There is probably other stuff, but as of right now, I am on the road on business with a move date of March 30th, so I need to liquidate this by then.
I do not want to have to ship anything. I simply can't do it since my new job requires me to travel Mon-Fri.
Email me at paulcoates - hotmail . com with any questions. $750 take everything
I'll get some pics up as soon as I can (if I can) - I am not slated to get back home until Friday, but I can have my wife take some pics


I'll have to let you know. All of the live rock and the lighting alone is worth $500. I really dont want to have to sell it all for $500 now. I'll let you know later on in the week. I wont be home until Friday night, so if we do make a deal it will have to be removed either Friday night or Saturday morning / early afternoon


Active Member
how much for all the live rock picked up?? or just 50 pounds?? got any large pieces or pics?? also give me some prices ot he corals i may want alot of them please!!! i can pick up anytime!!
my email is psusocr@aol.com


I can try to get my wife to take a few pics of the tank tomorrow night. I would be willing to sell the live rock for $2.50/lb for pickup *IF I HAVE TO PART THIS OUT*
However, right now, the highest bid is $500 for everything....
Also, a lot of the corals are already attached to the live rock...


Active Member
i mean i would be willing to take alot off of your hands if you part out..$500.00 is crazy to me but thats your decision


you think $500 is too much to receive for all of the above mentioned items or just the live rock and lighting?
I should also state that this entire setup is only 1 year old


Active Member
no i think $500 is too little to recieve for all of the above, if you part out you could probably make ALOT more money!! JMO though
if you do end up parting i would liek some pics and prices on some rock with corals on them please
if not no big deal


I agree, which is why I am asking for $750 - I want to get a good price for it without giving it away, and at the same time not have to part it all out