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I am up late tonight (insomnia)so i was cruising the web and checked in on the trapped miners where i found a link to the sago mine tragedy ,which said that 'members of a certain baptist church' protested at their funerals .I'm horrified that someone actually calling themselves 'christians' would act this way.Why do they have links to pictures of their children smiling and waving holding signs at soldiers funerals while their families are in mourning? Why are they so proud to raise their children like that ?Why would they choose a funeral of a homosexual woman that was killed in a vicious dog attack to protest their anti gay movement? I shot them a comment asking (very nicely i might add) for answers because I just don't understand how someone can be so heartless and cruel .they were protesting at soldiers funerals as late as august 2nd. i know theres a few lawyers on here .why can't they be stopped? My father is a pastor at a small christian church here , before that he was a youth minister at a baptist church and at an assembly of god church , so i have spent practically my whole life in church and never have i seen any other church spew forth the hatred and bile that they do and why does the baptist church still allow them to call themselves 'baptist' because i know they couldn't possibly enjoy being connected with this trash. does anyone know if they are actually affiliated with the baptist church? i hope they don't protest these miners funerals .sorry about the rant. if anyone's got an answer let me know