wet/dry diy info request


Can anyone give me instructions on how to make my own wet/dry filter? and is this going to be cheaper than buying a premade one? thanks

richard rendos

Active Member
Here is the cheapest way I know of to make a wet/dry. Get a rubbermaid container the size you want. That is your sump. Get a smaller rubbermaid container with a top to go inside that. (most rubbermaid containers have a top with them that has a slight dip in it)<--- this is your drip plate. Drill lots and lots of holes with a drill in the small container and its' top. Fill container with bio balls. Elevate the small container slightly inside your sump. Have the drain from your tank drain water directly onto the top of the smaller container. Water will drain onto the top...water pours through the holes onto your bio balls...then out into the larger container through the holes drilled in the small container. Add a return pump to your sump...instant wet/dry.


ok so on the little container do you drill holes in the bottom of it to let it go into the rest of the sump or just let it get so full it overflows into the sump and gets pumped back into the tank? And also is there any way to make like a prefilter to strain all the bigger crap out?


i use filter floss before my drip plate to get all of the big stuff. but watch out that stuff is expensive (upwards of 10 cents a pound!!) and to answer your other question yes you need to drill holes in the bottom of the small container because if you dont it will be a wet.. not a wet/dry.... get it wet..wet/dry... its funny... come on people laugh a little!!! :D

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
If you are talking about a pump to return to your tank there are many different kinds to use (Mag Series, Little Giant ect) Just make sure that the return pump has the capacity to out-pump your overflow or else you'll have a mess.


acually you want the overflow to rate above the power of the pump in gph. the reasion is you will end up running your pump dry if there is less water than the pump pumps. if the overflow is going faster (what you want) then before the overflow lets enough water down to the wet dry to overflow the sump the water in the tank will become even with the water level of the box itself and will not take anymore water untill the return pump raises the water level again. Does that make sense to everyone? I dont think i explained it to well.