Wet/Dry Filter wanted for my 75G

Looking to by a wet/dry filter with overflow for my 75g. Want all hoses and pump if you have em. Shoot me an email and a price mabe we can help each other.


i will have a wet/dry availble in the next day or so, it is on my 72 gal so should be good size wise it has prefilter area, bioballs then denitrifying bacterial area, also has skimmer not sure of make or model aquentics u/v steriler think it is 25 watt and mag drive 7 pump, i can give u all the hose's i have on it setup except for the drain hose which u gan get at any fish store, not sure what it is worth if interested run a few prices by me,


New Member
I have one available today. I also live in Illinois. Its an Amiracle filter with twin protien skimmers and a little giant pump. It comes with the overflow and all the hoses and everything. Let me know if you are interested. I will give u a good deal on it!!