Do I need a wet/dry. My fish last about 6 months then they die. I have the penguin bio wheel filter and the skelter filter with the skimmer on the top. I only have one 2 fish for now. My water levels are fine. Salt is fine.
Water changes are scary also. When the water evaporates I think allow it to go down to far. Then the water changes are once a month. Each time the fish seem weak and stressed. What am I doing wrong
Post all your paramiters first. ammonia,nitrites,nitrates, salinity, temp, ph, calcium, alkalinity,
Yes please post the actual test scores....Please
Size of tank
How long as the tank been setup.
Do you have any covers on the tank? glass tops? canopy? what?
What is your defenition of "Scary" for the water changes. Also if you let the water evaporate too much that could be the cause. Your water evaporates daily but your salt does not , if too much is evaporating your salt could be going up and down too much.Start by replacing all evaporation daily or every two days max.Dont wait its that important.Also please post your tank specifics and parameters,too many people say their paramaters are fine but they dont know what fine should be.Please post and we will see what your potential problems could be.Please start replacing water and we will take it from there .Good luck..
I bought a 46 gal bow front for my girl and she runs a pengiun bio wheel setup with about 5 fish in it and it works great. Your water level shouldn't be a big factor at all, I wouldn't even worry abou it...I'd suggest testing ur nitrates cause that's the problem with most tanks.....list your whole setup with some pics and i'll be more than happy to help ya out