Wet Dry help


So for those of you who read my post yesterday, I got my Wet/dry filter from a buddy with no pump. Its a 55 gallon tank. I got me a pump today, read the instructions......did all I was supposed to do. Now I understand that as the system fills up that my water level will go down. But for some reason, even with the pump pumping away, the water level in my tank doesn't seem to be going back up. Its at the water line in the Wet/Dry filter, but everytime I add water to the tank, the filter level goes up more? Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?


where is the water level in your tank at? on your overflow box, if thats what you have or is the tank drilled, usually you can adjust the height at which it sits in the tank you might have to raise it up so the level in the tank goes up. if the tank is drilled then i would think that you might have to get a little bigger pump to help keep up with the amount going down or put a ball vavle inline to decrease the down flow to the wetdry. someone else care to help i have no experience with driiled tanks if thats the case.


DOH!!! Adjust the level of the box!! Dumb Dumb Dumb. I am kinda slow today, Thank you!! I feel really dumb!!


You also will want to check the return pump and make sure it is operating at an approrpriate level. I had a similar problem for a few weeks and couldn't figure out why my overflow was wasn't pumping water into the tube to the filter at a normal rate (there was air in there,etc.). It was because I had a bag of carbon blocking my return pump so only about half the water was returning to the tank that was suppossed to. When I removed the bag the water levels returned to normal.
I would double check your return pump and make sure it is operating at the proper return rate