I have my 120 running now for 6 or so months. It has an Amiracle Maxi-Reef 400 wet/dry as the main filter(with bio-balls). I have 100lbs of southdown sand(not really seeded yet), and almost 55lbs of live sand on top of it. There is 65-70lbs of live rock in the tank. I have an Iwaki external pump with TONS of water flow. Just a few snall fish and a few hermits and snails. I have been reading up on differnt types of filters. I do not have a fuge, nor do I have macro. This tank will never have corals. I also have(but not setup) a Berlin skimmer.
Is the sand and rock enough to filter this tank? Will my wet/dry hurt this system? I have used wet/drys for 10+ years with no difficulties. Do I need the skimmer?
Maybe I am overanalizing this too much....
Is the sand and rock enough to filter this tank? Will my wet/dry hurt this system? I have used wet/drys for 10+ years with no difficulties. Do I need the skimmer?
Maybe I am overanalizing this too much....