Wet/Dry, Live Rock, Live Sand, Skimmer?!?!?!?


I have my 120 running now for 6 or so months. It has an Amiracle Maxi-Reef 400 wet/dry as the main filter(with bio-balls). I have 100lbs of southdown sand(not really seeded yet), and almost 55lbs of live sand on top of it. There is 65-70lbs of live rock in the tank. I have an Iwaki external pump with TONS of water flow. Just a few snall fish and a few hermits and snails. I have been reading up on differnt types of filters. I do not have a fuge, nor do I have macro. This tank will never have corals. I also have(but not setup) a Berlin skimmer.
Is the sand and rock enough to filter this tank? Will my wet/dry hurt this system? I have used wet/drys for 10+ years with no difficulties. Do I need the skimmer?
Maybe I am overanalizing this too much....
if you wanted to use the sand and the rock as your sole filtration you would need more rock usualy 1 1/2 -2 lbs per gallon also depends on what kind of rock but since you have a wet/dry filter also you are fine also in my opinion you should set up that protein skimmer it wouldn't hurt as far as the fuge and macro goes you dont have to have them but they are nice if you have the room for one also what kind of iwaki pump do you use im interested in buying one and would like to know for someone who uses one


From what I've heard, once the tank has cycled a skimmer can only help.
Also, alot of people, if they have sufficient LR filtration are doing away with bio balls in the wet try. I beleive its b/c of a buildup of nitrates or something. Do a search and you'll see alot of talk about it.
But, if you're going to keep the LR under 1-1.5 lbs per gallon as it is now, you may have to keep them.


OK, thanks guys and gals. I have used wet/drys for a long time. I have never checked or cleaned the bio balls. More rock to come, but it sure seems expensive, especially to my wife who always says "You paid WHAT for a rock"???


quicksilver, the pump is the MDQX40, or whatever. The number in it is 40. The japan version. Performance is excellent, no troubles for at least the last 3 years. One complaint. IT IS LOUD...