Here is my new wet/dry that was made for me. Sorry if some of you have seen these pics, I posted them on another board but wasn't getting my question answered :thinking: Anyway should I add LR to my sump? Is there anyway to create a fuge down here? Can I like separte my sump into parts (small ones) anyone have pics of something like this? Can I put another 10g next to it and create a fuge with some sort of thingie that take water from my sump puts it into the fuge and then pump water back to my tank from the fuge? Or do I really need a fuge? I have a skimmer, hob, 60lbs of lr, and the wet/dry. I am 55g fowlr and the sump is a 10g. As for the pics, my blower in my sump has a piece of lr on it because it was floating. Also there is a pic of my kitty checking out my sump. Sorry for all the questions :scared: