wet/dry or canisters?


i was reading another thread somewhere and someone said that a wet/dry isnt a good filter? what would be a filter system to have? i have a 55 gallon tank right night but will be moving to a 75 gallon as soon as spring comes around! please any info will be great! the tank has been up and running for about 8 months now and im still having cyno slime still. help!!!!!


Active Member
wet drys are good filters if maintained properly. bio balls offgass lots of ammonia so thats good it doesnt stay in the system to break down, but you need to keep them clean or they trap detritus and start producing nitrates. Any filter if not maintained can do as much harm as good. I prefer sumps and fuges going the au natural route, but thats just me.


ok thanks i just replaced the main filter in it and it was absoulty shot. the filter is only 10 days old and i did a test and the nitrates are around 20 ppms. will this go down or what do i need to do to git it back down? everything else is right where it should be.???????????????


Active Member
Have you rinsed your bio balls? if not next time you do a water change fil a bucket with tank water and remove your bioballs and swish them around in the tank water to wash all the gunk out of them. dont worry your not going to wash off the benificial bacteria, you would have a hard time washing biofilm off with a pressure washer. just keep them wet the whole time and do not rinse them in tap water, make sure you use tank water.


ok thanks ill do that tommorow its time to clean out the junk in the pumps so ill do that all at the same time!!! thanks again if any one else has anything to add please fell free to add anything i love to recive advise from everyone!!!!