wet/dry questions

I'm going to be adding a sump/refugium to my 55 gal. setup. I'm trying to decide if I should go ahead and add a bio-tower to the setup also. A bio-tower filled with bio balls basically acting like a wet/dry filter. Now I've been reading some posts saying that the wet/dry filter is going the way of the dinosaurs and in some cases may be more detrimental to the system. Is it worth the extra effort to add the tower?
Right now I have about 50 lbs of live rock, a deep sand bed, and two magnum hot canister filters each with a bio wheel.
Also, does anyone have any info on what works better, submerging the bio balls or trickling the water over them?

pa reef pig

jagermeister, The most popular route would be to add about 25 lbs more live rock, remove the canister filters (just a headache) and add the refugium/sump with the sand and macro.


New Member
I was thinking of doing the same thing but decided I am going to go with a refugium for the tank and try total filtration that way...Good luck which either way you decide..