Wet Dry Sys Vs Refuge


I have a 120 G tank and ii dont know the difference betwwen a REFUGE and A WET DRY SYSTEM and i am lloking for some advices ...

what is better?? and waht should i buy???
prices ???brands??
any tought? :help:


Active Member
this would depend on your particular system..... tell us more about your live stock, plans for your tank, and equipment


i currently hape an AQUA C REMORA PRO PORTEIN SKIMMER, An Emperor 400, and an Aqua clear 500 .......all this Equipment is Hang on.......and .150 pound of LR :help:


You might want to try and do a search for both wet/dry and refuge systems these questions have many many opinions and have been answered many times. There is a TON of information on this topic on the boards already but be aware there are as much factual information on these boards about it as there is opinion.
But IMO why not go with a combo of a wet/dry and a refuge has worked for me and my tank is doing great. You could either do 2 stand alone units and set it so your refuge flows into you wet/dry or make / purchase a all in one unit.


Originally Posted by Fuax
You might want to try and do a search for both wet/dry and refuge systems these questions have many many opinions and have been answered many times. There is a TON of information on this topic on the boards already but be aware there are as much factual information on these boards about it as there is opinion.
But IMO why not go with a combo of a wet/dry and a refuge has worked for me and my tank is doing great. You could either do 2 stand alone units and set it so your refuge flows into you wet/dry or make / purchase a all in one unit.

hi bro ,how much is the whole thing in one unit....sounds perfect ...because ineed it!! :help:


They range in price depending on the size tank you need it for check out some different on-line sites as well as you local fish stores.
Yupi you really should try and do as much research as you can just before you get started this really isn't a hobby to just jump into blind folded. That can cause a lot of heart ache not to mention the WALLET PAIN that can insue.


Staff member
Are you setting up or going to set up a reef? If so, then forget the wet/dry and go directly to the best refugium you can afford. Wet/Dry is ok for tanks where fish are the main focus, such as an aggressive tank, but they really are not appropriate for the reef tank. They do not complete the nitrogen cycle, so expect high nitrates using this filter, unless you have an alternative means of exporting nitrate from your system.


Originally Posted by Beth
Are you setting up or going to set up a reef? If so, then forget the wet/dry and go directly to the best refugium you can afford. Wet/Dry is ok for tanks where fish are the main focus, such as an aggressive tank, but they really are not appropriate for the reef tank. They do not complete the nitrogen cycle, so expect high nitrates using this filter, unless you have an alternative means of exporting nitrate from your system.
aleluyaaaa the queen is here!!!

thanks for the tip beth
so if i have a fish only tank i dont need the wet dry system??it's better to buy a refuge ...
copy that beth any other info will be apreciated


Beth said:
Are you setting up or going to set up a reef? If so, then forget the wet/dry and go directly to the best refugium you can afford. Wet/Dry is ok for tanks where fish are the main focus, such as an aggressive tank, but they really are not appropriate for the reef tank. They do not complete the nitrogen cycle, so expect high nitrates using this filter, unless you have an alternative means of exporting nitrate from your system.
I would like to be clear on this topic because it always rages with some debate. Where did you obtain this information is it factual or is it opinion? If it is factual please post as to where I can find this information (and I do not mean just a link to another one of your threads) I would like facts to back up this statement from legitimate published sources if possible.
The reason why I ask this is because I have been unable to find facts on this only peoples opinions. I am not saying that this information is wrong nor will I say it is correct until I see some facts.
Yupi there are many ways to do this hobby no one way is better then others again I state do true research don't just get your information from an internet message board.
IMO (as I always state in my threads) and possibly only my opinion a combination of both systems along with a skimmer can work wonders for either a fish only system or even a reef system.
But in the end I think we can all agree you need to do research research reseach and then make your own decision.


Originally Posted by TLTGF
Wet/Dry is mainly for Fish Only
Refuge is for Reef tanks!!!!!
Hope you can help. I want to put some corals and do SOME reef. But my reason for doing a swt is for the beautiful fish. So you suggest a combination if I am doing both correct?
I am planning a 65 probably. How many fish would be maximum I can have without a wet/dry system? I am just not sure what to do. I wanted to do what is best..but if putting wet/dry is a negative thing..then I will skip it.
Thanks for any info.