Wet dry to a sump...


I bought a sump/refugium and want to swith it to replace my wet dry set up. My tank is 100 gallons I have appoximately 100 pounds of live rock and 100 pounds of live sand. My question is, how do I switch over without shocking or even crashing my system? The wet dry has bio balls in it btw...which I have already started to remove.


Well-Known Member
How old is the tank?
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with bioballs, as long as there is some filter media over them to keep their pores from clogging with debris. Bioballs actually have a lot of surface area to break down nitrates etc.


Active Member
I agree you just have to clean them on a rotating basis, never all at once, just to be safe. They will trap a lot of detritus which will prevent it from getting sucked back into your DT.


The tank is about two and a half years old. Its been moved twice...i dunno if that effects anything at all.


Can't imagine you having any problems making the switch, unless the
sand in the refugium has some type of problem in it.


Well-Known Member
Yes, until bacteria colonize again. If you don't do that, you're going to see a big white cloud of a bacterial bloom in the DT.
have fun!