wet/dry vs sump???


is there a differnece between the wet/dry and sump filter systems? which one would be better? or in your oppion what would be better.


Active Member
A sump is basically a box of water that increases the total volume of the tank, making it more stable. It is also a place to put heaters, skimmer, etc. so they arent cluttering up the main tank.
A wet/dry is a filter system that utilizes a nitrate production are to filter the water by either bioballs, live rock, etc. These can become a nuisance because they harbor nitrates which could give you high nitrate readings if not maintained properly. Most people end up taking the bioballs out and just use it as a sump.
IMO, a sump with some live rock and maybe a refuge compartment is your best bet. I am putting one on my new 120 and will attach a sketch below. You can make a sump out of an old tank or a rubbermaid container from wal mart. Do a search and you will find tons of ideas and plans. HTH


thank you for your reply very clear with what you are saying and understand it but if i do a sump does that act as a filter also orshould i keep up my fluval 303? and the coast off building it is how much around?
thank you


Active Member
Your Live Rock and DSB(if you have one will act as your filter along with your protein skimmer. If you dont have a DSB in the main tank you can put it in the sump. Or you can ust make it into a refuge with a sump compartment like I have. The macro will help filter out nitrates and phosphates taking food from the nuisance algaes. You could run your fluval if you want but I would just go with LR and a DSB. If you use additives the carbon will soak them up. A lot of people just use the fluval empty and use it as a powerhead.
The cost of the sump will depend on the materials you use. I bought a brand new 40g breeder tank for mine. You can use a rubbermaid container from walmart, they run about 15 bucks.
Cost of my setup
40g breeder new---$85
Aquaclear dual overflow--$50
Mag 7 return pump used--$35
PVC pipe--$15
Glass window panes from HD for baffles--$20
Mine cost right around 200 bucks not including my in-sump skimmer which was another $125. You can do it for ALOT cheaper, just be creative.


my SD comes up around a 1/2 higher then the black seal around the bottom of the tank should i put more in or is that deep enough?


Active Member
I would put some more in. Enough to be about 4" from bottom of the tank. I dont plan on having one in my main tank. Only if there is enough sand leftover from my refuge. Good luck