I am new at this and probably am not doing it right, but I'm learning. Here's photo of my sump. This photo was taken before I switched the two 12" x 12" sponges on top of the drip plate with the white polyester fill. The water flow is from right to left as follows:
First chamber is 12"x12" (entire sump is 21" tall): polyester fill, drip plate, 12"x 12" x 1" black sponge with large holes laid on top of lava rock, 6" of lava rock above water line, 9" of lava rock below water line, under/over baffle to second chamber.
Second chamber is a refugium: 12" x 4" x 4" sponge on top of the over baffle, refugium containing Cheato with a light 24/7, over/under/over baffle containing a 12" x 12" x 1" sponge to prevent anything from "escaping" the refugium, some bags of silicates/phosphate remover
Third chamber is the reservoir, where I have a heater and also place the protein skimmer on top of a black plastic crate with thru-flow holes, just to raise the protein skimmer up, so the drain is all down hill over the lip of the sump. Then to the main pump.
Tee off the main pump deflects some water back to protein skimmer, which is then poured out on top of the sponge between the wet/dry and the refugium. Then return line is tee'd off again, one for left return, one for right return. There is a UV light on the right return. It is after the right/left Tee in order to reduce the amount of water which flows through it and the speed at which it flows through, so that the water will be slow enough for it to work.
There is no sound of falling or running water with this set up, as long as I keep up with the 4 gallon daily top off. (yes, I lose 4 gallons per day to evaporation!) Am working on an automatic top off system. The photo was taken when I was about a gallon low, as you can see by the last "over" baffle on the left. I prefer to keep the water line above the baffles.
Some folks say not to use lava rock, but I intend to give it a try for a while to see how it does. I like the idea that it will grow anaerobic bacteria deep inside above the water line. This weekend, I will be making on own D.I.Y. rock out of crushed oyster shell and perhaps some beach sand thrown in. If it works out well (after two months of cure time), I might just design some specifically for use as wet/dry filter media.
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