whada you think of my bubble coral.....


Active Member
I think your bubble coral looks very happy!! How long have you had it? Very pretty!!
Oh, and welcome, welcome to the SWF.com board!!
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by RobSW
almost looks fake
its awesome tho
its real..i dont know what im doing to keep it looking so good but i guess im doing it right ....whatever "it" is....lol


:joy: Looks great Ive had bubble coral for a few years now they will need to be fed live brien shrimp as soon as possible when they stat to age there helth can suddenly start to go down hill and it is hard to understand how because they where fine for so long. I did a lot of reading and my personal exp. found out that they love to eat live brien shrimp, & you can evan get some of them to eat frozen shrim foods of small or ground type. My bubble coral will eat frozen ground up type shrimp food I just brake off a small peace and let it thowout allmost all the way and slowly push it to the corals bubble's because it has micro grabbers the food will stick to the bubble's on the bubble coral you will have to (almost) touch the b-coral when feeding it be careful not to hurt it buy pushing on it to hard and it will slowly obsorb the newtreants it needs and the b-coral will double it growing speed!!! And it will stay happy and helthy for a prolonged time!!! :happyfish You will need to dose your tank with live Phytoplankton, this will help the life of every liveing thing in your tank helps all Coral, Fish, Invertabrats, Clams, Live rock, you name it. Phytoplankton is loded with Omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates, for food / energy. Bubble coral need Calcium for there skelatel structure to grow along with there beutiful bubbles!!! Its allwase good to dose your tank with Coral Vite made by KENT MARINE or any other brand you may find!!! You can get live Phytoplankton, Calcium, & Coral Vite. In a bottel form from your local Fish deliar...GOOD LUKE


Originally Posted by oceanblue1
:joy: Looks great Ive had bubble coral for a few years now they will need to be fed live brien shrimp as soon as possible when they stat to age there helth can suddenly start to go down hill and it is hard to understand how because they where fine for so long. I did a lot of reading and my personal exp. found out that they love to eat live brien shrimp, & you can evan get some of them to eat frozen shrim foods of small or ground type. My bubble coral will eat frozen ground up type shrimp food I just brake off a small peace and let it thowout allmost all the way and slowly push it to the corals bubble's because it has micro grabbers the food will stick to the bubble's on the bubble coral you will have to (almost) touch the b-coral when feeding it be careful not to hurt it buy pushing on it to hard and it will slowly obsorb the newtreants it needs and the b-coral will double it growing speed!!! And it will stay happy and helthy for a prolonged time!!! :happyfish You will need to dose your tank with live Phytoplankton, this will help the life of every liveing thing in your tank helps all Coral, Fish, Invertabrats, Clams, Live rock, you name it. Phytoplankton is loded with Omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates, for food / energy. Bubble coral need Calcium for there skelatel structure to grow along with there beutiful bubbles!!! Its allwase good to dose your tank with Coral Vite made by KENT MARINE or any other brand you may find!!! You can get live Phytoplankton, Calcium, & Coral Vite. In a bottel form from your local Fish deliar...GOOD LUKE

thanks ..any info is greatly appreciated...i do dose my tank with chromaplex and roti-rich...flip flopping them when i feed, will these do the job? :thinking: thanks for the info.....