Whale Wars


Active Member
has anyone seen this show? this show makes me so angry.
i actually root for the japanese whalers.
anyone else?


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The same people were in that Sharkwater documentary. I don't really have an opinion on these guys, if they want to spend the money to run their boat(s) and take the time to do this, when no one else will, maybe it's not a bad idea. Of course, if they get violent, that's another thing.


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I really can't comment too much because I don't know enough (anyone got any good links??). From what I've gathered, a Japanese research-turned-whaler ship, is hunting for humpbacks in Antarctic water, which are International, and according to the current international law, they are in the right, but according to Australian law, the Japanese aren't. Think I got most of that correct?

My thing is why in the world are the Japanese that far south? I have heard the 'Japanese tradition of whaling' tossed around before, but watching the ship they have, there's nothing traditional about it.
For the show itself, I do like they that they seem somewhat unbias. They did mention that most legal experts say everything the Japanese are doing is legal. Not being too much of a "Pro-Whaling' guy myself
, would love to see these laws changed. But the show just seems a bit too 'polished.' Maybe it's because the entire show has HD cameras, even when the two guys board the Japanese ship, they had a HD camera on the little Zodiac.


Active Member
im not a fan of whaling; i do understand that it supports some folks, but i am more against these idiots interferring (sp) than the whaling.
boarding a vessel that is flying under another flag like those 2 did is not cool.
as a captain of a boat, i would consider that as a hostile act of piracy and they would be dealt with accordingly.


Active Member
what the Japanese "research" ships are doing has been investigated and has been shown to be legal. until it is proven otherwise, by a legitimate organization, there is really nothing anyone can do; ESPECIALLY since they are not exceeding the quotas of whales allowed for research.
if you're going to expose someone, do it right. these "shepherds" are total hacks. they have no planning, no experience, and no intelligence. THEY GO TO SEA WITH NO MEANS OF COMMUNICATION????? COME ON. they ended up having to contact the WHALERS to find the idiots they sent out in the speedboat!!!!! omg the stupidity. They had no hand signals to communicate with the helicopter. They have no discipline. They have people running around doing their own things all over the place disobeying chain of command.
it's a disgrace to all maritime history, a disgrace to ecoheroism, and a disgrace to the whales. if the whales need saviors, these morons are not going to hack it.


They make mistakes, like everyone else. they forget to throw a radio in a inflatable boat. big deal. its not like they "go to sea without communications equipment" on purpose to be "rebelious" or anything.
but regardless, I think what they are doing is pretty decent. The japaniese always run away when confronted by them. so surely they have something to hide. if they were legal, then why on earth wouldnt they just let them film them, and be done with the entire situation.
not to mention the fact that they killed whales inside a protection zone, which is illegal nomatter how you slice it. while i admit boarding the vessel was stupid to do, you cannot deny that it was effective at gaining their cause publicity


Active Member
and to top it all off, the australian national government has put an order of protection or something like that on the whales and has declared the entire japanese operation totally illegal, they have the full support of the aussie government


i have seen the show and it seems like animal planet is trying to copy deadliest catch from discovery channel. as far as the whaling is concerned, i'm all for anti-whaling, but their methods seem too extreme. as said by someone else, i think its probably illegal to board someone else's vessel against their will.


While I do not know the legality of boarding another vessle in international waters (I'll ask my husband--he is in the Navy and does it all the time-although I think that is a waaay different scenario) While we were watching Whale wars when he was home on leave, he couldnt believe some of the stupid stuff they were doing. What I notice is the fact that these people are volunteers, and that to me means no nautical background well--maybe they do, but they sure dont act like it....they fly by the seats of their pants just because they want to stop the Japanese from killing( especially since they said they make millions on selling the meat ). While that is all well and good, and the whale species should be protected since they are endangered, the crew of the Steve Irwin definatly needs to take a safety course from the coast guard!!


It’s a cult... the captain of the “Sheppard” has already manipulated those volunteers into doing dangerous stupid things. People’s priorities are so off in this world today.


Active Member
I support the priciples but not the actions. I think all the whaling ships should be destroyed (in an eco friendly way of course
). Its wrong and not done humanly they freaken shoot them with a huge ass harpoon and drag them through the water to drown them......terrible. The crew for the most part are all stupid and ignorant. They do go against the chain of command. If I was the captain I would warn once then have them removed off the boat.
The boarding of the ship was stupid it didn't do anything postive and just was a waste of time. The strike team that went out did have communication they had like 2 radios and a sat phone. But "SOMEHOW" nothing worked....so they are prepared in a way and WELL funded, just not competant enough to have things run smoothly.


Active Member
I am against whaling,but the ego of the irwin crew is unbelievable.The Japanese should go to court and use this film as evidence as trying to tangle the prop and boarding the ship throwing chemicals at the ship.Did anyone here the captain say on the phone that when he was in Africa he helped shoot poachers


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Yeah I heard that. He said they didn't just shoot them.....they killed them.
They most certainly did...
As for the show I can not believe the sheep on this ship... The Captain is a shepherd alright leading his sheep to slaughter. He manipulates these ignorant people and goads them into being his puppet. What a clown he is. He should be taken out and shot IMO. I agree with protecting whales but vigilantes on the high seas is not the answer.
I have watched each show and have to say when I hear " The captains been shot" on their pre show deal Its about time.