what a beautiful specimen!

scopus tang

Active Member
Very nice! Doing a little concrete surfing where we? Silly fish, thousands of years of evolution, you would think by now they would have figured out that they just can't survive out of water
. Sorry for your loss.


I think he was assassinated you should interrogate his tank mates and bring those responsible to justice

Sorry X


Active Member
i think my money is better spent on a crack habit than another blue spotted jawfish.


Active Member
Oh that just sucks! I have had that happen a couple of times. You are wondering where a fish is and so you start searching the tank.....hmmm, no fish.......nah it couldn't have jumped out, could it?
You get on your knees and look around the stand and bam! you see the dried up little carcass of your baby....

Then you experience the guilt, I am a bad mommy

The darn thing is so dried up and stiff that you can pick it up by the tail and it stays horizontal...lol
This has happened to me a couple of times.....can you tell?


Active Member
Until now, I never thought it possible to use the the word "adorable" to descibe a fish. Think how "adorable" a pile of damsels would be!


just hold it in front of the tank and tell your other fish "see this, dont ever do this"...ive lost a clown and a fish im not sure what is was the same way...sorry it jumped


it comitted suicide!!! lol
he is a very bad influence to ur other fish lol. hope they dont do this. he was depressed lol. or he probably thought he could fly lol.
sorry about ur fish
RIP jawfish.