what a beautiful specimen!

Too bad these aren't like Koi. When Koi jump out of the tank and dry up, you can still bring them back to life! They could be out there for hours and you can just put them in your pond while you hold them and you just push them backwards and forwards. Then they start to breathe after a while and recover. Although if they are REALLLY dry it takes like an hour of just sitting there swishing them back and forth. Anyways, I thought this would work with one of my favorite fish that jumped out of my SW tank. Didn't work
. But at least I learned something.

nacl freak

DameInDistress;2675179 said:
Hang'em by the tail at the opening where he got out to show the others this is NOT the 'stairway to heaven'[/QUOTT The saying "Don't go toward the light!" comes to mind. Sorry he didn't know.


Well we are going to need a little more information if we are going to help you. What are your water parameters?


Oh, and how long has the concrete been set up,
Whats the distance from the top of the tank to the floor,
and was that where you found him or was the body moved?


EGGCRATE WILL NOT, I REPEAT WILL NOT KEEP THIS FISH FROM JUMPING!!! I had tiger jaws and lost two to surfing before I covered the tank, the last one I sold for his penchant for burying my frags. I set up a new tank and one of the showpiece fish was to be the bluespot. I waited months to get it. Spent half an our covering the top with eggcrate, putting a 2" strip of solid plasic around the rim of the tank. My light fixture sat 2" from the top of the tank. I got the fish, and two weeks later my black occelaris moved into his cave with him. After they chewed on him a little, I reaquascaped, removed an isopod from the jaw, fed him special food and nursed him back to health. He made a new sweet home between two colonies of Blasto Merlettis, and then two weeks later rewarded all my hard work and tending by greeting me as a piece of fish jerky next to my powerstrip. I'll never own one of these $#%@&^ fish outside of a sealed system again!!!!


Last time I was at an orental store I saw bunches of them in a bag. Now i know where they come from.
Had 2 pearly JF Skydive on me. I put them back in the tank and let the others eat them


Yum yum my favorite kind of fishy snack I think the blue spots make them taste better and the visuals are out of this world