what a birthday morning


wow. Today is my birthday and i thought they were supposed to be stress free at 6 AM but i guess not. In jersey today we had our first snow storm and lost power so by 5 :30 i was downstairs trying to oxyenagate the tank with a drill and wooden spoon (weird but it works). Well by doing this i revived 2 fish from the brink of death but they are still in critical condition. MY other 3 in the tank are ok, and there are little problems in the 20g. Just thought i would share my story and ask if anyone knows where i can get a generator.


I have a friend and my dad that share this day with you. A very ingenious way to revive the fish. I've worried about the power outages in my tank since we've had several already this year. We have a backup generator for our house and it takes about a half hour or more to hook up. I have a big battery backup on the computer so I don't lose information. Am wondering if this would work for an aquarium too... Good luck and Happy birthday!


Thank you, i am also thinking of getting 2 small battery operated air jet things for the tank.

my way

Active Member
Happy birthday! I only got a dusting in northwest Jersey. Do you have a manual air pump like the one you use to pump up a bicycle tire? I would think you could rig up some tubing to that for oxygen. Iwould be worried about the temp dropping to much. As for a generator, Home Depot, Lowes, Costco or hardware store. Maybe even Walmart?


New Member
Battery backups definately work. I have one on my seahorse tank, because I live in Florida with all the damn hurricanes and it takes about an hour for my dad to get the generator going. :joy: :joy: