What a difference between James and Wade in the


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I know its still kind of early but I can almost bare not too watch the finals, Like Van Gundy said its like watching the freshmen play varsity. Lebron is not cutting it and the cavs cannot win with LeBron averaging 19 pts a game. Lebron needs to be more selfish and draw fouls and not pass as much. Hes passing almost every possesion. Damm end of the 3rd 55-50 S.A. geesh.


I know. I could understand passing off if he had a good supporting cast, but it's simply not worth doing something like giving it to Varejao on such an important play.
"Too little too late" has really been a recurring theme this series.


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Lets not get to silly here. Wade's supporting cast is/was 10x better than Lebrons. I'm sure Lebron would be wearing a ring if he had the diesel with him.


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Lebron + nobodies = no championship
Wade + Shaq = championship
I dare say Wade + nobodies would probably = no championship.


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Originally Posted by Rylan1
Wade doesn't get triple teamed
What? which final where you watching last year? AND neither does LeBron.


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Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
What? which final where you watching last year? AND neither does LeBron.

When Lebron has the ball, two to three players run at him. Wade did get his attention but Dallas had to respect Shaq and the others last year. Wade would never win a championship with the current Cavs team.


Active Member
yeah, Lebron is so awful. the year before he came, weren't the Cavs last place? 3 years later, they're in the finals. the Spurs are too loaded to be beat this year. give Lebron a star guard or center and they'd be unbeatable too. if Shaq hadn't gone to Miami, they probably wouldn't have made the playoffs much less win the championship.


Active Member
Wade was double teamed but much much more stingy with the ball and had more shot attempts then Bron does, he also averaged 34.8ppg in the finals, BUT had a shoot/drive first pass later attitude. That killer instinct only come out of Lebron the last 5-10 minutes of the game not a full 48min like Wade.


Active Member
I think Lebron and Wade have similar talent, though LeBron has more potential. They both have holes in their game. Once Lebron, gets that mid range jumper... unstoppable!
But in my opinion Wade or Kobe crould not take the Cavs as far as Lebron has this year. And I can't think of any other player besides maybe Shaq in his day that got more attention and triple teams than Lebron gets now.
I live in the same city as Lebron and have watched him since H.S, his game is the same as it has always been even on that level. He can score 50 if he wants, but prefers to get his team involved and believes he can be more successful being an all around player than just a scorer. Since Lebron has come into the league I have noticed other star players try to pattern their game to his.


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Originally Posted by The J.O.P.
prob. about 20 million dollars a year in endorsments.
25 to be exact


Active Member
What are you taling about, Wade made 18.5 mil in endorsements between t-mobile and converse? S.A. getting those brooms ready? I am definately NOT trying to get into a whose better debate, when they are both the NBA'S future and SUPERSTARS but I just like Wade's killer instinct las season and shoot first pass later attitude, or drive, get fouled and go to the line and shoot FT'S. LIKE LeBron did in game 5 in the E.C.F. He needs to much more selfish and not throw it Verejao no matter what!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I think Lebron and Wade have similar talent, though LeBron has more potential. They both have holes in their game. Once Lebron, gets that mid range jumper... unstoppable!
But in my opinion Wade or Kobe crould not take the Cavs as far as Lebron has this year. And I can't think of any other player besides maybe Shaq in his day that got more attention and triple teams than Lebron gets now.
I live in the same city as Lebron and have watched him since H.S, his game is the same as it has always been even on that level. He can score 50 if he wants, but prefers to get his team involved and believes he can be more successful being an all around player than just a scorer. Since Lebron has come into the league I have noticed other star players try to pattern their game to his.
Lets stop this talk here, the best player in the NBA is Kobe Bryant. Kobe is one man team, and he takes the lakers to the playoffs every year, IN THE WEST. Lets not forget that. To say Kobe couldn't get the Cavs in the finals is silly to say the least. The east is terrible. Lebron is not the best because he lacks the outside shot. Wade is good, but he is not Kobe good.


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Originally Posted by The J.O.P.
i'm still trying to figure out how the CAVS even made it to the finals. the sweep is eminient!!
Because the Pistons are lazy and lack an inside scorer, and Wade was injured, thats how they made it.


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at this point in the career, yeah, Kobe is probably better. but Lebron has gotten steadily better with each season, and he's still only about 21 years old. by the time he's 28, it would be very safe to say that he'll be much better than Kobe is right now. Kobe hasn't done so much since Shaq left. also, in their primes, I'd take Tim Duncan over Kobe.


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Originally Posted by Pontius
at this point in the career, yeah, Kobe is probably better. but Lebron has gotten steadily better with each season, and he's still only about 21 years old. by the time he's 28, it would be very safe to say that he'll be much better than Kobe is right now. Kobe hasn't done so much since Shaq left. also, in their primes, I'd take Tim Duncan over Kobe.

Thats the thing, yes Lebron will get better. He is unbelievably talented especially at his age. He has some things to learn, lets no forget that he is 3 yrs younger than Wade, and 7 or 8 yrs younger than Kobe. But, its hard to be alot better than Kobe Bryant. I think Duncan is one of the most underated players in the history of the NBA. He is going to have four titles (one more than Larry Bird) and he is only 31. That is sick.


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Wade had a supporting cast of veterans... cmon... LeBron is doing it basically by himself... just as other have said throughout theis thread...