what a find


I have a tendancy to stare at my 20 gal in small areas for minutes and minutes at a time and to my suprize I found a shrimp that wasn't a mysis shrimp
my bro gave me a bunch of base rock about 6 months ago and at that time his shrimp (scarlet * blood) were activily spawning..many of times of which little babies were made..and I ended up getting some...well of course most of them likely died..but 6 months later here I spot a 1 cm long transparent red coloured black eyed sprimp (no shine..hense no mysis - which I have TONS of) swimming around in the back corner of my tank around one of my baby hermits (which came with my original LR...2 mm long without shells estimated...I have crushed coral mixed with aragonite sand so they have lots of tiny shell choices..pretty little guys...taking FOREVER to grow though almost a year and there only this long)..I've had no fish for 3 months now..have one scarlet...one open brain and a bunch of zoos...my pod population is massive...talking every kind of regular pod I've seen in the hundreds of all sizes..I figure this little shrimp has got lots to feed from (.5-1mm long pods)...so I thought it was pretty cool since I only hear of people trying to raise shrimp babies..but the difficulty behind it prevents success.
anyhting special I should do for this little guy? or just leave him be and continue with the norm...I feed my tank cleaners and brain/zoos once a week..with bloodworms mixed with invertabrate food and once in a while whole shrimp
the little guy looks so cool :joy:


it is...its neet just watching the guy
totally different mannerisms compared to watching the mysis shrimp which are close to its size...its more docile...swims a little then walks along the rock and rests for a bit....so neet to see something that little act that way....fat thing to compared to the mysis shrimp
all around cool!
I really wanna try to get pics up when I can


Geez, and I was happy finding a new shroom growing in our 10g! Nice find, hope it grows into a nice healthy shrimp:D


heh yeah me too :)
And I'm always happy to find new stuff growing..even stuff like that :)
or stuff I didn't even by
I have a baby starfish the size of a nickle that's brown and I didn't buy it....its awesome to find stuff like that or watch stuff reproduce
gotta love this hobby :happy:


Active Member
What a nice find!
Discovering something new in the tank months after the most recent addtion is one of the greatest joys of this hobby.


totally....as for the tank..I can't wait till the last of my hair/Caulerpa verticillata algae is gone...the more I remove the less it grows..mixed with 3 huge turbos and one speedy trochus...nothing comes back so its gone as far as I'm concerned....then I can get the ricordia I want and the wonderfully colors zoos...assuming I can't find such things at one of the 5 saltwater LFS's without breaking my bank :)
ohh yeah as for finding neet things
I found a baby (a cm long) luitibranch or cuke..not to sure..it was all white and it had a head spike or two...the neetest little thing...mind you I havn't seen it in like 6 months either :)