What a Nor'Easter!!!


Whoa! Who else is getting hit by this 1,2 Punch of a storm?
There's a double danger here, well at least with me....snowed in, with credit card, and computer, Yikes!!! I'll say that's a dangerous combination.


At least it missed us up here in Minnesota. Usually them things roll through here first. The last good one I remember was the winter of 91-92. We got 36 inches, then you guys got clobbered when we sent it over the NY way.


Laid in a good supply of food and hunkered down now for the day.
Got food beer snacks meat computer phone 8000 watt generator in case of power loss. Bring it on.


Yeah, after the blackout of 8/14, I too wanted a generator, but the mrs. said no way, $1,100 bucks for a 7000wat Troybilt. she couldnt justify the expense. Heck, we pay $800bucks a month to board our horse, and I cant buy a generator for a measly, thou. Plus, with all of the snow, this past winter, and what looks like this one too, I cant get a darn snowblower. Hmmm. time to keep the fish, and dump the mrs. LOL.
And while i'm on here, is anyone else not getting "notified in email" when someone posts and replies to a thread on here? I have the little box checked off below, what gives?


Active Member
i know you guys have it MUCH worse than i do, but i am from cleveland so i can sympathize with ya

but its only 48 deg here!!!!! was only in the 30's thismorning. i think we are going to see snow again this year!


I cant even see across the street right now!
good thing I did all my shopping and stuff yesterday. Good couple of days to watch movies and be online!!! and eat!!!:yes:


What's that!?
75 degrees and sunny here in Huntington Beach!
Guess I'll go out and clean the pool.......
(just poking a little fun at ya, hope everyone up there stays safe)
i never get notification thats why i dont realy come here much anymore, were getting some nice snow fall up my way also and i couldent wait to take my honda element out for a scoot around the mountain and it ate the snow, i didnt slide once and a few times i tried to see if i could:santa:


Active Member
its only 48 deg here!!!!! was only in the 30's thismorning.
Sounds like a heatwave.
It's been in the 20's at night and the low 30's in the day. And all this snow sucks.:mad:
I hope the reef club meeting is still on tommorow.



You guys may think I am crazy but we recently moved to Oregon from Michigan and where we live it never snows. I can drive to the mountains to see snow but I really miss storm like this one. Winter is my favorite season.:silly:


Hey Seaslugs, imagine my surprise. I came back from Disneyworld and a cruise to the Bahamas a week ago. The temperature was a balmy, 88 degrees. To think that a week ago I was wearing shorts, sandals, and no shirt. Now I'm shoveling 10" of the white stuff. If it werent for the fact that my wife is close with her family, I'd be in a much warmer climate.


A cruise to the Bahamas sounds great right now! It's raining here! Makes life miserable! (great day for football though)!
Stay Safe!