What about a power outage?


I am setting up a 55g tank in my office. I tried to think of everything that might happen before setting up the tank but didn't think about the occassional power outage. In the 5 years we have been in this building the city has turned off the power twice to test something in the street. They always let us know ahead of time but I'm not sure what to do if this happens in the winter. Is there such a thing as a battery operated heater? I'm not as concerned with the ph's as I am the temperature. Any thoughts?


You can get a UPS (uniterrupted power supply) they sell them for computers to keep them running in an outage and some have a good battery life and usually have 6 or so outlets on them to use... CompUSA and Staples carry them but you can find them all over


Well-Known Member
Power outages are a very real concern. But the main concern is with external sumps and refugs and the poweroutages causing floods.
Power outage lasting only hours are absolutely nothing to worry about. Most systems can stand no filtration or heating for many hours without detrimental effects.
outages lasting days can be more damageing. But even for a day or two things should be ok especially if the room temperature did not drop too much (like in spring or fall).
So unless you expect to have power outages that last several days, there is nothing really to worry about. Especially if there is a south facing window nearby you could open to provide some lighting during the outage.


We get those here all the time.
Just make sure to set up your sump to a level that is the power goes out you do not get a flood going. This may mean going to a bigger sump.
All the rest is no problem. For a few hours your tank will be Ok.