what about beach sand?


i have 42# of live sand which cost me $80 and gave me a 2in bed in half of a 55gal tank. I live a couple hours from Myrtle beach and am thinking of going there to get enough sand to finish tank. good idea or not.


I wouldnt recommend it, but you could if thats all the sand you have access to. If you are going to do this I would get some of the sand from a secluded area that isnt in areas of high pollution(which means pretty much EVERYWHERE <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> ). It could be done though... personally if i were you, I would go get some more LS or look into some southdown, or somethin simaller to that.. :D


I have used beach sand from Oregon, with no problems at all. I am now useing Quicrete play sand, and it is doing very good. I have the Quicrete for about 3 Mo.
I had the beach for about 6 mo. or more. NO problems with either one.
HTH :)