What About Powder Blue Tangs?


What do you think about adopting a Powder Blue Tang...I was thinking of buying a small one and raising it until it's ready to go to a bigger tank. I've read both good and bad here about them...but wonder if anyone has some facts and if anyone knows of a informational site where I could do some research?


well....most powder blue tangs I have seen are pretty large.....very few come to you at a small size, at least in my experience....Also they require alot of swimming room to keep them happy(unstressed and healthy)...a 60gallon isnt enough...I have a 75g and won't even put one in there because I dont think it's fair to the fish...cramming a fish into a tank can only lead to bad things and in most tang cases, will lead to a premature death... Not to mention you have a flame angel already established and if you do find a small PBT the flame will more than likely pick on him, thus adding more stress to the crammed fish....A stressed tang is not a good thing for a tank, and Powder blue tangs are more sensative then almost every other tang.....If I were you I would just put in a kole or a yellow tang and leave it at that...Then when you have a larger system, add a PBT....
They are pretty expensive also, and the death could set you back a pretty good amount


It requires a 6 ft tank or more. Even my 200 doesn't look big enough for mine. They need a lot of room and no obnoxious tank mates.


i've kept two and both have came in a light blue and a light yellow and now the one I have is deep blue and a nice bright yellow, he sides in my 125 for the time being with 3 other tangs and they all get along great. I am purchasing a 450 shortly and I'll be removing the blonde naso and clown tang that I have and placing them in there. They really are a remarkable fish and I have had no problems with them, except when I lost power and did not have a generator it was a very sad day in my home, but the one I have no is beautiful.


Active Member
In my year working at an LFS, I never saw a relatively small one. Certainly not the size you can find regal blues at...most were on the larger size.
And they are very very delicate. I know you have asked this before. They REALLY ARE delicate. You will put it in a tank that is small, with fish that may pick on it, then try to move it to a larger tank, which won't be as mature...
These are all stressful things, and these fish do not survive stress well.
Why not just wait until you get the bigger tank, get it nice a mature (AT LEAST 6 months, min) so that you have a better chance to keep one alive?
I know you want one, but how badly? Do you want to kill one? Because, really, odds are very good it would not survive long in the 60. The majority of them do not. If it did, it would be, IMO, atypical.


Thank you all for the heads up. I will wait to adopt one until I get a much bigger tank. I have done some more home work since the first time I asked on this board and all of your comments are valid...again thanks.
ophiura, i stopped by Aquarium World with my boyfriend the other day and saw a beautiful pbt they had. Is that as small as they normally come? Also, I was thinking of putting a pobt and a hippo tang in my 75 together? I get this feeling now that that's a bad idea. I really want a pbt, but as with the linkia starfish, will not sacrifice it's life for my pleasure. WIll it even do good if I put it int he 75 without other tangs?
Also, do you remember right around last Christmas a girl and her bf coming in asking about how to breed seahorses? Teh girl was unsure of tank size and the bf just didn't care and wandered off. That would be me and I know I talked to a Susan, just not sure if it was you. ;)