What about this?


Ok. Here is the set up for the question: I have a 80 gal tank with several fish (tang, clowns, bi-color angel, damsels, hermit crabs, and snails). No live rock, just dead corals and base rock. It has been running for about 5-6 months. Mixture of live sand and crushed coral. Fluval 404, prizm skimmer, powerhead. I want to buy some live rock and the lfs has a big 18lb piece that I have my eye on. They say it is cured, but I am worried about a re-cycle in the tank if I put it straight in from getting it from them in a box and bringing it home (about 3 miles away). See, I bought a 10lb piece which is in my 10 gallon tank and has some ammonia when I test the water (just got the 10lber last night).
My question: If I take a big bucket to the lfs and have them fill it with water and then place the 18lber in it and transport it home, will this prevent the possible re-cycle? Or am I kidding myself? I figure it will be in the bucket for about 15 minutes. Granted the water is not circulating or anything, the than from the movement in transporting it in the back of my pickup truck. When I get home, I can quickly move the piece into the tank where I want it with small re-arranging done as I place it in.
Your thoughts please. Thanks.


Active Member
it doesn't really matter if you transport the rock in a bucket of water because it will have to be pulled out of the tank it's in.
Don't worry about the re-cycle - your biofilter will adjust after about a .25 ammonia spike if at all. Takes about a day and a half. I've done this more than once.
If the rock is really cured you can add as much as you want and have no spikes at all. Minimal at best. Six to ten pounds a week is recommened.