What additives do people add?


I have a 175 reef tank. Every day, I add 60 ml of C-Balance Calcium and Buffer. I also add 30-60 ml of Iodine a week. I do water changes at least once a month (35 gallons).
Everything in the tank is doing pretty good, but my salinity gets pretty high (0.27ish), because all of the C-Balance. I add fresh RO water to try to bring down the salinity, but it is a pain to add supplements every day.
What does everybody else do?
My calcium levels are perfect (460ish).


First off why are you adding so much Iodine? What kind of tank is it; reef or fish only? Are you using a skimmer? What other types of filtration? Why I ask is because products like C-balance, b-ionic, and other 2 part addatives are great for stabalizing salinity if you are using a skimmer which can drop the salanity. I think your first concern is dropping the salanity down a tad, maybe around .025 or so just by adding fresh water. Then you have to decide what you are planning on keeping and then go from there. I use B-ionic in the mornings, kalkwasser at night, Biocalcium as needed, and reef builder to kick up alkalinity whenever necessary. I also add strontium/molybdinum weekly and kents essential elements weekly, which contains iodine. Once in a while I test for Mg and add Kent Mg. that might sound like a lot, but it keeps the Ca, pH, and Alk where they need to be and the coral love it :) Hope this helps.

mr hanky

all i use is combi-san (two little fishes band) and c-balance. i have skimmer. add fresh water about every 2 days c-bal every day and combi-san 1 time per week. works very god for me.hth mr hanky


I add Iodine for my Xenia. I know the salinity should be around.24, but the Calcium raises the salinity. The tank is doing fine, but adding alll the supplements is a pain. I know reef tanks aren't easy, but I know a lot of people go with a more natural route and do fine.
I have a protein skimmer and a trickle down filter.
175 reef tank


I use Kent turbo calcium, Kent super buffer and Seachem reef builder. That is it. I do soak the food in Kent zoe, so I guess I add that also.
I totally agree with less is more.
I used to add other junk too, but after a ton of reading, and wanting to try myself, I stopped adding other stuff. My corals have never looked better, and my fish seem the same. (healthy)
The theory is the trace elements and other things there are additives for are replenished to appropriate levels with good consistent water changes and feedings. Anything else is a waste of money, and may do more harm than good. There is no clear indication / understanding of how our tank inhabitants use many of the things people add, if they do at all, and additives may build up to toxic or harmful levels or cause other problems down the road.
With the exceptions listed, I have been supplement free for more than a year. Thus, I have more money to buy coral. :cool: