What additives do you put in your tank?


Active Member
reef advantage cal (seachem)
iodine(kents logal solution)
seachem ph buffer 8.3
coral vit(kent)'
trace elements(kent)
coral sprecta(coral foods)
zoomax(coral food)kent
phytomax(invert food)kent
chromomax(coral food)kent
seachem reef salt


there are some great product in the market to keep reef tank look amazing those product use a lot in europe and today they are available in the us to. the result and the different that ppl said about those product after use them are very impressive and the color of the coral are just unbelievable there also report that after use of some of those product the algae in the tank reduce to. for sample i will post here a picture for 211 gallon tank that run 2 years with tihs product in Switzerland the light in this system are pure T5 illumination. when you see the picture of the tank and the coral you will amazed as i was to . here are the picture enjoy.



yes it's a great looking tank with beautiful healthy coral here one more maybe you want like this one :joy:


I use a product called Phyto-feast which is food for all filter feeders. You keep the product in the refrig..... as it is a live product, also I use by coral-vital "the reef life energizer" Which is good for live rock too.


Active Member
I use:
DT's Phytoplankton
Marc Weiss' Coral Vital
Tropic Marin Iodine
Kent's Super dkH buffer
SeaChem's Trace Elements
Oceanic salt
The vitamins I use are:
Garlic Xtreme