what aggressive fish could go with damsels


i got a 55 gallon setup with about 4 damsels a long tentical anemone and a coral bandit shrimp with two hermits the tank has good filtration and a protein skimmer, i was wanderin what aggressive fish could go n here i was thinkin of a valentine puffer or somethin kinda small but aggressive like damsels


I would put what ever fish I could in that tank to eat those damsels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pound for Pound the most aggressive fish! I just dismantled my reef to get rid of the remaining 3 damsels what a nightmare!!


Active Member
We have a couple of damsels in with our Niger Trigger, Huma Trigger and 2 Snowflake eels, I have not had any problems with any of the others picking on the damsels...Lisa


They are mean. I had 2.... than one got greedy and killed the other.... then he took over my tank... he picked on everything in it.... I finally gave him away!!!


I have a bicolor psuedochromis and a couple of damsels in a 45 hex. after a couple of attitude ajustments the damsels steer clear of him. I wanted an angel but I'll have to wait for a bigger tank. He's small but I really like him.<a href="http://community.webshots.com/scripts/editPhotos.fcgi?action=showMyPhoto&albumID=29051356&photoID=29054215&security=XfMsJBPwbA" target="_blank">
See a Psuedochromis</a>


I've got two damsels with a volitan lion, porc puffer, clown and picasso trigger, snowflake eel, and a red coris wrasse.


New Member
??? why did you type asdfasdf?
anyway I would put a sharpnose puffer in there and a SnowflakeEel... but if you you like your coral banded shrimp that mush you cant have an aggressive tank because inverts in an aggressive tank is a no-no.....HTH