What am I dealing with here??


New Member
Today I came home from work and I noticed my Clownfish had a powdery look to him. It was mostly around the left side of this head and it seemed to be on the rest of his body, but not as much. I'm positive this wasn't there last night. I fed him right after noticing this and he would go for the food but would only eat the small pieces, it looked like he couldn't open his mouth wide enough for the larger pieces. At this point he still seemed fairly active, but he very quickly became less and less active. He was barely able to swim and he started to rest on the rock often. His breathing became very heavy and within thirty minutes he was gone. He fell to the bottom and stopped moving. While all this was happening I was online trying to figure out what was happening to him while my GF told me what his condition was. This all happened from about 5:30 - 9:30. He did look something like this.......

mine just wasn't completely covered in it. He also didn't have any spots, now that he is dead it looks like the mucus is hanging off of him.
Before this he seemed very healthy, he would eat food that was floating around but didn't go for what hit the ground, when he did the hermit crabs would beat him to it. He was fed frozen brine shrimp. He was very active.
Immediately after he died I tested the water:
Using API Reef Master Test kit and Saltwater Master test kit
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: @20-40 hard to tell with test. Color looks in between
PH: 8.4
Temp: 76F-78F
Other Occupants:
1 Horseshoe Crab
1 Diadema Long Spine Urchin
12 small reef hermit crabs
1 large electric Blue Hermit Crab
1 Scooter Blenny
10 Zebra striped Turbo Snails
They all seem to be in good condition
70 pounds of LR
Water is purchased from a LFS. Here is a link to their site..
Also using LS, not sure how many lbs.
50 gallon tank with a wet/dry setup that had Bio balls (started taking them out to replace with live rock, about 25% were in sump when this happened)
Tank has been running for about 6 weeks now, and a 25% water change was done about 1 1/2 weeks ago. This didn't help lower Nitrate too much, thats the reason for getting rid of the bio balls
I've had this clownfish since this past Sunday and he was not QTed. Neither were any of my other Inverts or the Blenny.
NO QT!...... I know....
I've learned my lesson

I'm getting one started as soon as possible.
From what I have read online it looks like Clownfish disease (Brooklynella) or Velvet disease (Oödinium). I'm not sure which one killed my clownfish. I really just need help pinpointing the disease I can research how to deal with it. Please Help.


Staff member
Brooklynella, a parasite. The treatment is formalin bathes. The treatment procedure is in the FAQ Thread (at the top of this forum). If you have other fish with this on, they may get it as well. See if you can get formalin (its not always easy to come by).


Yes. It looks exactly like when my clown had Brooklynella. See Beth's message regarding the article for treatment and follow it closely.
Formalin is VERY effective for this disease (able to bring back my clown from near death) but you need to follow the dosage instructions carefully and treat the clown promptly as it moves fast. Good luck.


Active Member
Just to chime in, I had a clownfish a little while ago that contracted brooklynella and died within 24 hours. So IME, you may want to act fast. Good luck to your little bud


Welcome to the boards. I am sorry for your loss. Brooklynella does kill quickly. If you plan to get another clownfish buy a small bottle of formalin just in case. If your area does not sell it then order some online. It is better to be safe than sorry.


New Member
Thanks guys. I feel really crappy about losing my first clownfish , but he didn't go without purpose. I just got a QT setup and plan on getting a pair of clownfish as soon as the QT is cycled. I'm also getting a bottle of formalin to keep around the house.
I wont let another one go to the reef in the sky, at least not until he's ready.
Thanks again for all your help guys.