What am I doing wrong?


I have a 10 that isn't in use. I realize eventually he'd get too big, but for now would he be ok? He is about 4-5" across if he is spread out (tip to tip).


Active Member
So long as you get it established and stabilized (eg don't let lots of water evaporate out before topping off, etc), I think it should be OK :) The key would just be getting used to the fluctuations that can occur in a nano tank.


New Member
I know this is an older thread revisted, but incase anyone is hear to research ideas I have to put in my .02 cents. I too had been dupped by a LFS into thinking that a week or two was gonna be fine for the cycle. I just want to say to anyone who is here...patience is the key. I really wish we had waited a full 2 months before we started adding anything living besides the rock and sand. Maybe my questions and problems would have been the same but it would have elimated my biggest doubt....which is "has my tank cycled properly?". It has been 2 months and now I am getting funky readings, spiking amonia and nitrites, etc. Yes, it could be something else, but now I don't know. If it had cycled properly and I had seen the orginal spike then I would have my asnwer instead of questioning myself. Just do it right from the get go and you will elimate at least some doubt. Which to me would be a good thing right now. At least something would be elimated from my tank instead of fish.
:confused: :notsure: :yes: