What am I doing wrong?


I think I heard somewhere that uneaten flake food can cause nitrates to spike. Not sure but research it.


How deep is your sand bed. the larger the grains the deeper it needs to be. My LFS started me on crushed coral. big mistake. But I dumped alot of bioalive aragonate on top to a total 80 lbs in 55 gal a depth of 3-4 inches and my nitrates dropped to zero after a month or so. the sand has to be deep enough to provide anaerobic environment. I don't stir the sand I let the cleaner clam, bristle worms and miniture brittle stars do that.


Its 20 lbs of small grain live sand. I dont remember what brand, but it was a clear bag with a colorful front on it.
I ordered a TDS meter, hopefully it will be here sometime next week.
Thanks everyone! I will keep you all posted on the progress!


you must go deeper if you want to reduce nitrates. use the sand calculator on this website to determine how many pounds to get your 4 inches.


4" of sand is too much in my tank. I already have corals & a clam that are attached to the bottom. I'd probably have to add another 20+ lbs to get 4" of sand bed. I'm sorry, can't to do it. There's gotta be another way to fight these nitrates. Thanks for the help though!


Originally Posted by newreefers
I thought I was buying good RODI water from the LFS. Could not figure out my water problems, went on for months, they sold me all kinds of things to fix the problem. Bought a TDS meter and tested their water - off the charts, tested their water for everything. It was BAD water. Bought a RODI system, made my own water, problem solved.
OMG you were right!! I bought a TDS meter, and their RO water was 190!!!!!!!! :scared: Needless to say they got a not-so-nice phone call from me. I have spent so much money fixing this problem, when it was their fault to begin with!! I'm buying my water from Publix until I can afford an RO/DI system. I tested the purified water from the store and it was 002. I also tested my tap water, that scored better than the RO water at 180!! Thank you so much for recommending that TDS meter! I will now tell everyone to get one! They aren't that expensive, but a must for this hobby! I just wish someone else would have told me to get one sooner! Thanks again!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SugarFox03
OMG you were right!! I bought a TDS meter, and their RO water was 190!!!!!!!! :scared: Needless to say they got a not-so-nice phone call from me. I have spent so much money fixing this problem, when it was their fault to begin with!! I'm buying my water from Publix until I can afford an RO/DI system. I tested the purified water from the store and it was 002. I also tested my tap water, that scored better than the RO water at 180!! Thank you so much for recommending that TDS meter! I will now tell everyone to get one! They aren't that expensive, but a must for this hobby! I just wish someone else would have told me to get one sooner! Thanks again!!
Sugar, that is so tragic. I am very happy you solved the problem, but I bet there is a thousand local fish stores making a killing selling pre-mixed saltwater to customers that is made with tap water and then selling even more garbage to fix their problems from the tap water. It would be a never ending gold mine. When you saw people were getting fed up and ready to get out of the hobby, start selling them RO/DI mixed saltwater again for a few months. It would be sinister, but I would not put it past someone out to make a dollar.
I wish you the best and hope that you warn other folks about that unscrupulous store.


SugarFox03 Just a thought. When you get your water straight there is a product for red slim called, Red slim remover by chemiclean. I have not used it yet, but on this web said it worked good.Also I have a 12 gal nano and do a 5 gal water change once a week. I can only miss this by one or two days. I'm on well water and it's pretty good. Hope this helps.


I bought that stuff when I first got my tank. It works, but right now, I don't want to use any chemicals that arent supposed to be in the tank. I'm going to just keep up on water changes (I am now starting to mix my own salt, so I KNOW that the water is good.) I am picking up a bucket of Tropic Marin salt tomorrow, thats good stuff, right? Its expensive, so it better be good!! :) I'm going to use that to also fill my 105 gal next week.


Yes it is good salt that's what I use. I get mine online from Dr.Fosters & Smith for half of what I pay in the store. Even with shipping I save and it comes to my door.


Do you have anything to move the sand around like snails, sand sifting starfish? could be your sand causing the problem. if it's not stired a little it gets dead spots in it. I had a problem with that till i bought a horseshoe crab and a few thousand snails. "larg tank."


I have about 15-20 Nassarius snails...they don't seem to do much. I don't know that I have a large enough tank for a sand sifting starfish. Thanks for the info though!!


hey glad you solved the problem. That sucks that you spent all that money on that water when you could of used your tap water and have gotten better results..lol I use oceanic water from the ocean. I dont have to worry about ph, salinity, or natural trace elements, phosphates or anything like that. But they are 9.00 for 5gallons. Good thing I have a nano. Until I can afford a RO/DI i've been using that, doing 1-2 gallons of water change every week or so.