What am I doing wrong??


Active Member
a couple months ago I added torch coral and a week later it started oozing brown and died. at the same i bought some brain coral and brain favites and they were fine, still in my tank. i was reluctant to purchase anything similar to torch coral, but recently i bought some frogspawn with about 5 heads from my LFS. i temp acclimated and i poured a cup of my water into the bag and waited 15 min and did it again after 15 min. then i added it in. it retracted and it seems like a couple of the heads might be falling apart. to make it worse, i have a dottyback thats been pecking at the brown stuff on the skeleton near the head and i dont have a place to seperate them
what am i doing wrong?
sg: 1.026
calcium: between 400-460
ammonia: 0
nitrites: 0
nitrates 20ppm
temp: about 79
i have other types of coral in there too. xenia, zoas, green star polyps, purple and red mushrooms, leather mushrooms, some brain coral, and a devil's hand. they're fine though


Active Member
Maybe try drip acclimating, doesn't sound like they are getting enough time to get used to your water, even using the cup method I take about a hour of adding 1/4 cup water every 15 minutes. Torches are kind of difficult but frogspawn is pretty hardy. Give it a few days to adjust too, they like lower flow, just enough to make their tentacles wave, not getting blown around.


New Member
My thread with these websites ***********, ***************, coralreeffarm, reefcentral, etc was deleted and quite frankly iam a little ticked off, all i try to due is give some people better websites and the silly mods totally wiped it off the earth


Active Member
Originally Posted by petjunkie
Maybe try drip acclimating, doesn't sound like they are getting enough time to get used to your water, even using the cup method I take about a hour of adding 1/4 cup water every 15 minutes. Torches are kind of difficult but frogspawn is pretty hardy. Give it a few days to adjust too, they like lower flow, just enough to make their tentacles wave, not getting blown around.
turns out that they were being damaged during transportation and bagging. reefkprz told me that the heads are really delicate and if they are squashed the veins will break and could cut the tissue inside, thus allowing for bacteria from the outside to set in and kill the coral. man am i stupid. next time ill make sure to be bagging everything myself from the LFS


are you running carbon??.....how big is the Devil's Hand....he maybe wagging a chemical war and is killing them...the owner of my LFS had the same problem and found that the devil's hand was the blame...good luck


Active Member

Originally Posted by doktorj99
are you running carbon??.....how big is the Devil's Hand....he maybe wagging a chemical war and is killing them...the owner of my LFS had the same problem and found that the devil's hand was the blame...good luck
it turns out it was the shipping. i was a complete doofus. the heads were being damaged in shipping from the lfs to my house. even though the heads were against something like the plastic bag, it was enoguh to cut up the heads. i just bought a frogspawn and hammer coral, along with other frags from reefkprZ
, on here and they are doing excellent. he placed the frags in a small container with the frags wrapped around chaeto and nothing died! not one head. i'm not running carbon and i thought it was the devil's hand too. so again, i blame myself for being retarded and not taking better care during shipping :[ wish i knew what reefkprZ told me before i went and bought any lps from the lfs